Chapter 3

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Gene was up early,ready to leave this Castle as fast as he can, on the down side... Alex's coming with him, that's the only way he can leave. Gene didn't mind having Alex around but...not like this, one wrong move and Alex wouldn't hesitate to kill him in cold blood.
The castle feels cold and eerie, it's once shiny atmosphere turned into this closed off. Death is at any corner in this castle. Gene didn't had to wait too long for Alex to wake up, he looked at Gene

"When did you wake up?"

"Not long ago.." Gene replied.
Alex got up and went in another room without saying anything, he comes back later dressed and equiped with his weapons.
"Seems like you want to leave as fast as you can" he said glaring at Gene

"Can you blame me? This castle is a death trap"
Alex chuckled and got closer

"True..but as i said.." he was now a few inches away from Gene. Gene could feel that one eye he hasn't covered staring right into his soul.
"You're lucky to make it out alive.." Alex finished his sentence

Gene could feel the chills down his spine

"You got pretty pale there"

"It's.. nothing" The fear finally started to get to Gene, he never heard Alex speak like this, let alone in a threatening a deep voice..damn Gene could lose himself listening to that voice. And he realized what he's thinking and shook the thought away.

Alex backed away and made his way through the door

"Ready to go?" He asked,Gene nodded and left the room followed by Alex. On their way the two met with Leonora

"Did you seriously let him sleep with you?" She asked

"So? What if i did? Mind your business sister" Alex replied

"Aww someone's in lovee" she teased

"Well I can't deny that's he's...a pleasure to look at" Alex replied
Gene blushed but brushed it off.

"Can we go?"

"Yeah." They left finally getting out of the gates. Gene could feel the tension that was pressing his chest finally lift. They headed towards the forest. The tensio was high between the two. Gene tried his best not to look at Alex, meanwhile Alex was on guard, looking left and right to make sure no one's around to attack them

"How far away is the camp?"

"Thirty minutes away"

Alex nodded and followed Gene through the dark,cold woods. Gene was freezing, his coat was warm, but not warm enough, when he got kidnapped wasn't so damn cold, Gene was visibility shaking. Alex noticed and he took off the fur coat he had on and placed it on Gene's shoulders. Gene stopped and looked at him

"I've noticed you're shaking, im used to the cold, so,i don't mind you having my coat.."

Gene smiled softly, yes, he is a killing machine, but he's just like his Alex, the one who isn't under a damn curse. The loneliness hit Gene hard. He spent 5 years without Alex, and when he sees him again... he's like this...Gene made a mental note to never encounter him, just because he knew it will hit him hard, he just wants to get rid of this curse.
Alex stopped suddenly,making Gene stop too. Alex pulled his sword and stood on guard. Ruffling can be heard around them. Gene salt didn't have anything on him because Lenny took them when he was captured. Alex watched as a figure came into the light
'The Black Baron?! Great!' Gene thought. Gene wnated to get closer to Alex but before he could do so an arrow shot through his leg making him fall to his knee

"GODDAMMIT" He yelled while hissing in pain. Alex shot a death glare to the Baron knowing it was his doing

"Prince Alexander,what a pleasure to see you!" The Baron said in his usual cocky tone. Although in pain Gene couldn't help but gag mentally as Baron's voice was giving Gene a migraine .

"What have we talked about being on Kingsland territory...Baron?"

"Am i not allowed to go on a little stroll?" He said smirking at the Prince

"Arrows follow you while you're in your stroll? Otherwise there's no explanation for how that arrow ended up in his leg" Alex said
The Baron left a chuckle and looked at Gene who was trying to get himself up
"Well it's hunting season"

"Hunt on your own territory, Baron. Not on mine. You're lucky im too busy to deak with your bullshit. If i catch you in here one more time, I won't hesitate to dig your grave" Alex threatened. The Baron whistled and Rypan could be seen coming from the woods
"You should be careful Alexander. That little boy you have with you is going to bring you more trouble than you can handle" he said before leaving.

Alex turned to Gene who now gave up on trying to get up.At least he managed to get the arrow out of his leg. Alex kneeled down and pulled out from his pocked a piece of fabric that he tied around Gene's leg, tight enough to stop the bleeding.

"How are you feeling" Alex looked up to see Gene having teary eyes. Gene couldn't find his words.

"Gene?" Alex called out

"Fuck this.." Gene said

"What's wrong?" Alex tried to get something out of him

"This is stupid! I hate this! I couldn't even keep myself in one piece!" Gene said, that was the final straw, he broke down, he wasn't sad, he was angry. Alex remained silent and let Gene get everything out

"This ruined everything.." Gene said letting tears roll down

Alex looked at him confused


Gene looked at Alex

"Do you think this forest was always this cold and dark place? No, this was a lively forest! A forest we're... we'd often hang out late at night..."

Alex sat next to Gene.

" feeling was right...i did indeed know you.."

"For fucks sake Alex, we're dating! Before this curse, we were a couple! You weren't like this! You we're kinder and honorable and could never hurt a fly unless he had to!"

Alex looked at him baffled. But didn't said anything and let Gene continue

"It's been 5 years...since this curse corrupted you all...and..ive missed you...of course the girls are back at the back but... it's empty without you.." Gene said.

Alex didn't break contact. The two of them looking at each other before Alex broke the silence

"So... we'"


"That explains that feeling i had.."

"You don't know how hurtful is that you don't even remember who i am but have a faint feeling that you we're unsure of.."

"I can imagine..."

Gene sighed and covered his face with his hands. He wanted this to be over and he wanted his Alex back.

Alex got up and looked at the sky, a storm was coming up

"Shit. We have to get going.A storm is approaching"

"I can't walk"

"I'll carry you, there's a close by small village that was raided, the houses and intact, we could shelter there. For tonight" Alex said. Gene didn't quite like the idea, but the storm was coming and he didn't want to see how it feels, so he agreed. Alex picked him up bridal style and began walking toward the small village.

Deadly winter [Super 4 AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن