Chapter 6

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"My Goodness Gene you scared all the circuits out of me, i really thought something bad has happened to you!" Lenny said as he was spinning around the boy making sure he's 100% healthy.

"I'm fine, Lenny" Gene said as he looked at his computer screen. He managed to locate a few more trees around the area.

"What are those?" Ruby asked as she watched over Gene's shoulder.

"These are some sort of trees,seems like they hold the curse, they have a heart in the middle, destroying that heart makes the area surrounding the tree be warmer. If we find them all we can get rid of this cursed nightmare" Gene explained. Alex was looking around the camp. It was a bit messy. Full of medical supplies and food. They were barely cutting it.
Alex went to Gene since the girl left.

"You're barely making it out with the food. Do you have a plan? Like. To get food. Hunting or something" Alex asked. Gene looked at him

"There aren't many living beings around here. That's why we settled here"

Gene said. Alex looked around. He noticed the scientist was tired. More so than usual.

"You should rest some more"

"Nah, im fine. Trying to find more of those trees outside our areas"

"Were you always like this?"

"Like what?"

"Stubborn." Alex asked

Gene looked at him.  "Yeah, problems?"  He asked trying to get on the prince's nerves


"Solve them." Gene said trying to turn around to continue his work

Alex wasn't having it so he grabbed the chair and turned it around so now Gene faces him

"Oh no, we are NOT doing this. I know what you're trying to do and you're trying to get on my nerves. It's not working."

"Seems like it does" Gene said

"No it doesn't. Now are you going to rest or I'll have to make you?"

Gene sat in silence for a few seconds

"Nope." He said

Alex could feel a vein popping. He took a deep breath and picked Gene up

"HOLD UP!" He said

"No. Ok i admit you got on my nerves. You didn't want the peaceful way, so now you're suffering the consequences of your stubbornness" Alex said going into the tent with Gene

"I have work to do!"

"It can wait"


"Got any problems?" Alex asked

"Yes! Multiple!"

"Solve them." Alex said as he put Gene on the bed.

"Don't use my words against me"

"I would neverrrrr" Alex said

Gene laid down and sighed. Seems like his plan backfired. He looked at the ceiling then at Alex

"Are you gonna stay here?" He asked

"Yes, to make sure you're resting. You look like a damn raccoon with those eyebags"

"HEY!" Gene said offended

"At least you're cute I'll give you that" He said making Gene blush a bit

"Don't just stay here and watch me.. first of all it's creepy as fuck second of all it's enough space for you too" Gene said

"Im not tired"

"Neither am i! But yet here i am!" He said

"It's a different story for you"

"Just. Shut up and come here. If im resting you're resting too!"


"Then im not resting either" Gene said about to get up

Alex got up and sat next to him


"See,was it so hard?"

"You're so annoying."

"You still love me nonetheless"

"Yeah.. you're lucky i do" Alex said

They both feel asleep pretty fast. They we're sleeping so comfortably in each other's arms. Despite looking and acting so cold Alex still kept his warmth. Gene felt safe in his arms,always, he was always so warm, unlike Gene who always runs cold no matter what. Especially in the winter. He always hated it. They slept for an hour before Twinkle came and woke them up.

"Gene your computer is making weird noises" Twinkle said shaking the scientist sightly

"Ugh...ok ok im coming now" he said getting up, waking Alex in the meantime

Gene went to his computer to see that is has picked up all the trees. There are in total of five, four small ones and a big one. Gene took in consideration the two trees he already encountered so in total seven.

"We'll have to split up" He said.

They all gathered there to listen to the scientist plan

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 17 ⏰

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