Begginig notes

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The narrative takes place within the universe of the Twisted Wonderland game, featuring a young female protagonist named [Y/N]. She hails from our world and finds herself transported to this fantastical realm of magic and wonder.
This story takes place after chapter 7 of the original twisted wonderland game.

As chapter 7 comes to a close, everything in Twisted Wonderland settles into a new normal, but not without tragedy. Malleus Draconia, the one [Y/N] has come to love, is missing, leaving her with countless unanswered questions. Where is Tsunoratorou, the one she once believed was her soulmate? Will she ever find a way back to her true home? And what will happen to their friends if she does?. The only thing certain is that the journey ahead will be full of twists and turns, as she fights to unravel the mysteries of her heart and the magical world she now calls home.

Crucial points to consider before reading

Please note that I play on the Japanese server, so occasionally, I may refer to the Japanese version of the game's storyline. This could also apply to certain seasonal events, but I won't be including any references to tsums, as I'm not a fan of their aesthetics (Apologies, but it's just my preference, haha). Nevertheless, I assure you that the references to canon events on the Japanese server will be kept to a minimum, as my main focus is to write about what I envision happening after those events.

Be aware that I began writing this story at the beginning of chapter 7, and at that time, chapter 7 had not been fully published in the game yet. As a result, the start of my fan fiction series may not align perfectly with the eventual conclusion of chapter 7. I apologize if this causes any confusion for readers in the future.

Having said all that, my dear readers, I sincerely hope you enjoy the journey I have prepared for you!

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