Echoes of the Unknown

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"I wish the universe gives me some signal that Malleus is okay."

She remembered as she woke up, weariness draped heavily upon her being. A fresh dawn graced the halls of Ramshackle Dorm, yet her thoughts remained fixated on the bizarre occurrences of the previous night. While visions and the occasional appearance of a mysterious mouse in the mirror were not unfamiliar to her, the experience of hearing voices was for sure a first.

Despite its strangeness, she opted not to dwell on it too much. After all, in a world where magic was real, hearing voices couldn't be considered entirely bizarre, could it? Perhaps it was simply a result of her exhaustion, her mind playing tricks on her. Ultimately, she decided to set the experience aside, choosing not to let it consume her thoughts.

As [Y/N] readied herself for another day at school, her Magiphone rang loudly in her room. Curious, she approached the device and opened it to find a new message in her notifications. The message read, "[Y/N], don't forget to forward me your available work hours." It was a message from Azul. "I'll be working on the Mostro Lounge shifts this semester, so we can coordinate the workload," he added. 

Indeed, with the semester back in full swing, the Mostro Lounge was once again open for business. While most students enjoyed their new year at school, [Y/N] knew that her usual part-time job would resume. Working at the Mostro Lounge could be tiring, but it was a job she truly cherished. There was a sense of satisfaction in being resourceful and providing service to others. Plus, the additional income was greatly appreciated, especially when sharing living expenses with Grim.

[Y/N] swiftly forwarded her new school schedule to Azul, recognizing that it would make coordinating work shifts much easier for him. Setting her phone aside, she proceeded to pack her school bag, preparing for the day ahead. Once she finished, she slung the bag over her shoulder and made her way to the kitchen.

As she started preparing a quick breakfast for herself and Grim, she called out to him in a friendly tone, hoping he would come downstairs. However, met with silence, she decided to call out to him once more, raising her voice louder. When Grim still didn't respond, she resorted to addressing the ghosts directly, asking if they could bring Grim to the kitchen.

And finally, the mischievous toddler-like companion joined her in the kitchen with a complaint. "Funyaaa!!!! [Y/N]! You are so mean!" Grim whined, clearly upset. "You could have let me sleep for just a few more minutes!" He eagerly grabbed the neatly cooked sandwich that [Y/N] had prepared. "I would have let you sleep longer if it were the weekend, Grim," the young woman replied. "But we have Crewel's class in the first hour, and I don't want to be late." [Y/N] scolded Grim for his lack of discipline. "Ugh! I'll never understand your obsession with punctuality," Grim sighed. "Well, it's all part of being a good student, you dummy," [Y/N] retorted, as her Magiphone lit up once more, signalling another notification in the morning.

"We would like you to work the evening shifts on Wednesdays and Fridays this semester," [Y/N] sighed, not particularly fond of the idea of working on Fridays. "But this time, we would like to offer you a new job contract, if you're open to it." [Y/N] wondered what changes the new contract might entail, and Azul continued with further information. "I can discuss the details of this contract in person this evening. Please come to Mostro Lounge as early as possible," he wrote.

"What are you pondering so deeply, [Y/N]?" Grim asked with boredom evident in his voice. [Y/N] replied, "Oh, nothing much. Azul mentioned some potential adjustments to my job contract for this semester. I'm just curious about what he might want to change." Grim's expression turned sour upon hearing the combination of "Azul" and "contract," as his experiences with Azul's contracts were far from pleasant. "He's probably going to work you tirelessly, or perhaps attempt another scheme to take over the Ramshackle Dorm!" Grim expressed, clearly annoyed.

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