Resolutions and Uncertainties

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Starting a new year at Night Raven College comes with a few perks like, Priority registration at NRC special courses, more independence in the campus, access to more resources for students para-activities and the magnificent opportunity to become part of inter scholar championships.

As anticipated, [Y/N] entered the new year with a mixture of resolutions, hopes, and a persistent ache in her heart. Walking along the NRC main entrance, she tried to familiarize herself with the new device that Vil had gifted her on her birthday. 

"Hey, [Y/N]! What are you doing with that thing Vil gave you?" Grim, her furry friend, curiously inquired. [Y/N] paused and shifted her attention from the device in her hands to Grim. With a chuckle, she replied, "Hahaha. It's a Magiphone, Grim! I was just setting up my wallpaper, look!" 

She proudly displayed the device to Grim and continued, "It's the photo we took on my birthday! Aren't we adorable together?~" As Grim inspected the device, he couldn't resist expressing his opinion, "Hmmm... I must admit, you do look quite pretty, but no one can compare to the greatness of ME, the OH GREAT ME! Just look at this astounding photo of ME!!" With delicate paws, he snatched the phone and examined his own reflection.

Out of the blue, a voice chimed in, "Yo!" as Ace and Deuce joined the conversation. "Hello, [Y/N]! Grim! It's been a while!" They happily embraced [Y/N] and Grim in a tight hug. [Y/N] couldn't help but express, "Awww~ I missed you two! How was your break like?". 

As they continued walking, entering the main building of NRC college, Deuce shared, "It was quite tiring for me. I spent the break helping my mom and granny with a thorough house cleaning. Now that I can master more spells, they trust me with more tasks around the house." Proudly, Deuce explained his experience. 

Ace, interrupting, mockingly remarked, "Ehhh~ Deuce is such a goodie! Personally, I don't feel like cleaning all day during my college break. Bleh!" As Ace playfully stuck out his tongue, he then proudly boasted, "But my brother did come to visit my family this time. Since he started his full-time job, his visits have become rarer and rarer. I guess that's what happens when one finally grows up." Ace shared his thoughts with a hint of nostalgia.

"Growing up, huh," Deuce mused, and for a moment, a silence fell upon the three of them. The mention of growing up had brought a sudden shift in the mood. "I suppose it's a bit early for us to be thinking about it, but... Have either of you given any thought to what internship you'll choose in the fourth year?" Deuce's tone carried a hint of worry. "Deeeeuceeee! We just became second years!" Ace interjected. "We have ALLLLLLLLLL this year to not worry about it, and then a whole NEW year to avoid thinking about it, only to randomly pick something at the very end," Ace complained, rolling his eyes. "I think we can drop this pointless conversation and talk about something more fun!"

"Ace! Don't brush off something so important with such nonchalance!" Deuce argued back. "The experiences we gain during our fourth year actually help us secure stable jobs right after school or provide opportunities for higher education," Deuce expressed his concern. 

"Hah! You talk as if you've already decided what you want to do after NRC!" Ace taunted. "So, spill it! What are your plans after graduation? Are you going to become a cauldron seller or something? Casting cauldrons seems to be your thing, right?" Ace smirked, putting his hands behind his head. Deuce struggled to find the right words. "Ace, well... I... I haven't thought that far ahead, okay!" Deuce expressed his embarrassment. "But I still believe we shouldn't just forget about it until the last second."

Annoyed, the young woman expressed "If you two have finished fighting, I think we should hurry to class," [Y/N] suggested. "We have Magic History class II in the first term, and Professor Trein is known to be really strict about punctuality." [Y/N] searched through her schedule for the classroom details. Ace retorted, "History Class II? Are you blind, [Y/N]? The first class in the morning is Botanical Plants, you dummy!" He rolled his eyes. "Guys... According to my schedule, the first class is Practical Potion Lab with Professor Crewel," Deuce clarified. As the three of them locked eyes, a sudden sharp sound interrupted. "Funya!!!! Are we not in the same classes this year!?!?!" Grim, who had overheard their conversation, stopped playing with the magical phone and expressed his concern.

"I ... suppose so... Grim," [Y/N] replied, attempting to sound calm despite the growing anxiety within her. The conversation about growing up had already stirred her worries. As a non-magical being in a world full of magic, the question of what she would become after her time at Night Raven College became increasingly daunting. In her non-magical world, the possibilities were endless, and she could pursue any path she desired. But now, many options seemed out of reach. In a world where everything revolved around magic, she couldn't help but wonder what role she could play.

As the worry on [Y/N]'s face intensified, Ace attempted to lighten the mood. "HEY! I know it's tough for us to be separated, but we can always find a way to persuade Crowley to get us back in the same class!" Ace exclaimed. "We can bring up the countless times you've saved Night Raven College from overblotted students," he clumsily added. "OR we could play your card under the sea~, [Y/N]~" Ace said mischievously. "Ace, I don't think resorting to extortion will help us get back into the same class," [Y/N] responded. "Yeah, we might end up in jail or, worse, expelled," Deuce chimed in. "WHAT? Aren't you two upset about us being separated?!" Ace exclaimed dramatically.

"Definitely, Ace, we're all feeling it!" the [Color]-haired girl exclaimed. "But after everything we went through last year, I don't feel like I have the strength to go against the flow this year. I... I don't feel good enough to be fighting around this time. I'm sorry." [Y/N] added, her tone filled with weariness. At this moment, [Y/N]'s bright and cheerful facade fell to the floor, revealing a glimpse of the grim-dark side she had experienced just a few months ago.

As Deuce and Ace gazed at [Y/N]'s tired expression, memories of her mindset after Malleus's disappearance flashed through their minds —an image of a heartbroken mess, crying her heart out, with red puffy eyes, wet cheeks, and a complexion stripped of its usual pinkish blush. It served as a reminder that despite [Y/N]'s usual strength, she had recently been in a fragile state not too long ago.

And with that, Ace, Deuce, and Grim accepted their fate and settled for the new student schedule they had been given. "It's okay, [Y/N]. We understand how you feel," Deuce said. "But! We'll only accept it if you promise that we'll still eat lunch together!" the raven-haired guy cheerfully exclaimed. "Yeah! No matter who you meet in your new classes, you have no right to replace us with new friends!" Ace chimed in. [Y/N] softly chuckled. "I could never do that, Ace," she gently stated. "The four of us will always be best friends, okay?" [Y/N] extended her arm, signalling their secret best friend greeting. "Of course!" Deuce and Ace exclaimed, while Grim laughed cheerfully.

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