Berry Bliss and Business Brilliance

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Several days had elapsed, and [Y/N] was now in her second day as the Manager of Mostro Lounge. It was her first time holding such a position, but with Azul's keen intelligence and [Y/N]'s unwavering determination, she was quickly grasping the ins and outs of running the business much faster than anyone had anticipated.

"Here you go, Azul." [Y/N] handed him the meticulously prepared menu for the next two weeks, taking into account the season's weather and focusing on the delightful theme of "Berry Bliss" for the drinks. "And I've also completed the Inventory and Supply Chain Management for this month," [Y/N] continued, displaying her dedication. "After reviewing the past inventory, I noticed that we can optimize the purchasing of certain cleaning supplies by buying in bulk. I reached out to Sam, and he's willing to offer us a discount as well."

While [Y/N] continued her presentation, she brought up another proposal. "I would like to suggest organizing community events for Mostro Lounge and establishing a stronger presence on social media," [Y/N] expressed, presenting her well-organized papers justifying the project. "I spoke with Cater, who has extensive experience as an active social media user, and I've compiled his insights in these documents." Azul couldn't help but be amazed. He already knew that [Y/N] was an exceptional worker, but her remarkable performance in this role exceeded his expectations.

He couldn't help but develop stronger feelings for [Y/N] with each passing moment. "Excellent," Azul said, attempting to conceal his amazement. "I'll examine your proposal and see how we can accommodate your events." In a moment of shyness and in a barely audible tone, he added, "... Sunshine."while trying to maintain his composure. "Would you assist me in studying this year's strategic planning? It would greatly help me if you familiarize yourself with the plan." Azul handed her the paperwork, "Of course! Let me take a look" [Y/N] eagerly grabbed the paperwork to read.

The business was experiencing a slow day, allowing Azul and [Y/N] to have ample space to work together on the Monster Lounge sofa. With a drink in hand and equipped with calculators, paper, and pens, the two of them savoured their time collaborating on their tasks. At moments like this, Azul could not help but to be captivated by [Y/N]'s enchanting features; to him, she embodied perfection in motion. There was a distinct way her eyes radiated with brightness, leaving him mesmerized as he gazed into them. He genuinely admired how her hair always appeared flawless, even on days when she didn't have the chance to style it. The texture of her hair was simply stunning, framing her adorable face in the most beautiful way.

Among all the captivating qualities [Y/N] possessed, the one that truly mesmerized Azul was the radiant glow of her smile. There was a perfect curvature to her lips that made him feel reassured and safe, as if everything would always be okay in her presence.

Caught in [Y/N]'s adorable expression, Azul was momentarily distracted and failed to realize that she had been trying to get his attention. "Oh! Sorry! Can you repeat that?" he quickly responded. [Y/N] chuckled, "Hahahaha~ You were quite distracted there, Azul. I was just asking about this particular point," she said, pointing to the relevant section in the paper.

While Azul was in the middle of explaining the requested point, Jade unexpectedly interrupted, breaking Azul's perfect scene. "Azul," he calmly stated, "the constructors for the Mostro Lounge renovations are already here." Azul paused for a moment, considering the importance of the situation, and made the decision to join the constructors. "I'll join you back in a second, [Y/N]," he said, leaving [Y/N] alone at a separate table, far away from the rest of the staff and clients.

Engrossed in her work, [Y/N] diligently read through the papers and made detailed notes about the task at hand. She kept her mind focused on the important matters that required her attention. Taking a sip from her drink, she felt a momentary pause as her thoughts drifted towards recent events. It had been a few days since she last heard the cryptic message, "please acknowledge me." The lingering question of what these occurrences meant and why they were happening began to weigh on her mind.

There was always the possibility of dismissing these strange auditory experiences as mere exhaustion or anxiety-related symptoms from her involvement in numerous overblot incidents. Or ... someone could genuinely be trying to communicate with her. Contemplating these possibilities, she turned around to survey her surroundings, searching for any signs of people nearby. Finding no one in proximity, she made a decision. "If someone is truly trying to reach me," she murmured, "give me a sign." With bated breath, she sat there, enveloped in anticipation, waiting for any indication.

Seconds stretched into what felt like hours as she fixed her gaze on the table, waiting for something to move or provide a sign. Every fiber of her being was attuned to the slightest movement or change. Just as she began to expect a headache, a hand gently rested on her shoulder, causing her to jump in surprise. Startled, she looked up to find Floyd standing beside her, wearing an amused expression. "Shrimpy~ Did I startle you? " He mockingly expressed.

With a nervous laugh, [Y/N] responded, "Ahahahaha, Floyd, I was just contemplating this document on Sustainability and Responsible Practices, so yes, I did get surprised". Floyd gazed at her with an indifferent expression, showing no interest in the document's content. "Well," he began, "the construction crew will be occupied for a while, Azul said you could leave for the remainder of the shift." As he ran his hand through his hair, Floyd casually delivered the message.

[Y/N] briefly locked eyes with Floyd and expressed gratitude for the information, acknowledging her appreciation for leaving work a few hours earlier. "Let me escort you home, Shrimpy~" Floyd declared, offering assistance with [Y/N]'s belongings. Unbeknownst to [Y/N], as they set off on their journey towards the Ramshackle dormitory, they failed to notice the formation of water droplets from their chilled beverage, spelling out the word "Here."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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