shit they know

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i walked into the gorilla and as soon as i walked through the curtains i shrieked. Becky and Seth then walked up to me smiling. "Adrianna you did so good out there. You have so much talent at a young age." Becky stated smiling and Seth nodded his head agreeing "you kicked ass out there! So welldone Adrianna." he said i smiled at them both thanking them then heading back to the locker room.

Once i arrived at the locker room Demi walked in a few minutes after me. She ran over to me smiling. And gave me hug then looked at me smiling "you are incredible. I don't even care i got my ass beat. You're talent is unreal." she said and i thanked her pulling her in for a hug and kissing her cheek. "Thank you Demi honestly. It's unreal i'm here right now. I can't believe all that just happened!" I said and Demi nodded then walking over to her stuff to get dressed. And i then did the same just thinking about everything just happened. I was no finally a part of the big picture. I never thought wrestling would've been a passion of mine. Never.

i was now dressed and i left the locker room just to walk around but as i was walking around i bumped into Dominik. He turned around to say sorry but he stopped himself when he saw me. "be careful." he said and i rolled my eyes crossing my arms "move and i don't want to deal with you right now. I'm in a good mood." i said beginning to walk away and he stops me by grabbing my arm. "hey let me atleast say congrats for winning the match. You actually did well" he said and i pulled a confused face. He must either want something or is on some sort of narcotics "what do you want?" i said and he pulled a confused face "What do you mean?" he said and i raised a brow sighing "you've been a dick all weekend Dominik. And now you're nice what do you want?" i said and Dominik sighed shaking his head "i'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be a dick i was trying to joke around. Sorry" He said and body quickly relaxed. I felt stupid. I thought he hated me. I was so confused for why he would hate me at the fact that he doesn't even really know me. "oh. I thought you fucking hated me. I was so confused" I said and Dominik placed a hand on my shoulder. "why would i hate you? u haven't done anything other than punch me in the face.. which i thought was a bit of mis communication as i was just doing my usual ringside shit." he said and i chuckled as he brought up me punching him. "you deserved that punch." i said then laughing. But i quickly shook my head as he pulled a joking offended face. "i'm joking. Damn i'm so glad we had this convo. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulder." i said and Dominik agreed but he quickly looked up away from me when someone called his name. "i'm sorry i've gotta go. But honestly you did really good in that match." he said while walking away.

i smiled as he walked away. God i was so glad he didn't hate me. And he didn't mean harm. I don't need anyone to hate me as soon as i join the business. I began to walk around again when i eventually got to a door which led outside i walked outside to see Austin. Shit. I didn't hate Austin i just don't know how i feel about him anymore. I thought i still loved him but i don't think i do.. Or maybe i do and just i have so many emotions to handle.

Austin turned around and saw me. He smiled then walked over to me. He leaned down and pecked me on lips. I looked down then up again putting on a smile. "you okay?" i ask and he nods tucking a bit of my hair behind my ear. "you did so good out there. I can't believe you won. I can't believe you are even here. I heard about you being in NXT but i didn't thought it was rumours. But it's obviously not. Because look! you are here." he said and i smiled giving him a hug. He hugged me back and i guess as i was hugging him i got that warm feeling back. The feeling i'd get with him before. I guess my emotions was erratic i do still have those feelings for him. So i hugged him tighter which chases Austin to chuckle. "you're going to squeeze the air out of me Adri." He said and i let go smiling "im sorry i just like your hugs Austin. You should know that." I said and Austin nodded his head smiling "yeah i guess i should." he said then leaning down a kissing my forehead.
i was now back in the locker room. I was sitting on a little couch next to Demi. We was just chilling in our phones waiting for everyone to finish their matches. I was scrolling through my camera roll looking at pictures of me and Austin and it just put a smile on my face. I felt silly as i don't know why i thought i didn't like him anymore. I obviously still do.

i then heard Demi gasp and lean forwards. "ha! omg i can't believe it!" she said and i looked at her confused but she then quickly put her phone to her ear calling someone "Luis get here now i need to see this picture." she said and i didn't question anything i just ignored it.

i then heard a knock on the door and Demi then stood up and let Luis inside as no one was getting dressed or anything. It was only me and Demi in the changing rooms. Luis then pulled his phone out and showed Demi. "Oh my gosh how did you find this? there is so many pictures! so it's her." Demi said shocked and Luis nodded his head then looking at me who was just looking at them white a confused look. "basically we found out who Austin's mysterious girlfriend was." he said and my eyes instantly widened and my heart drop. Shit they know. 

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