Chapter One: Gouki Shibukawa

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Becoming a martial artist was one of the worst goals Y/n could've thought of accomplishing.  She couldn't teach herself, because that would make it harder than it is supposed to be. But it would make it harder to find someone willing to teach her.

But some random day, she was walking in the streets of Tokyo, and she stood tall while containing a stern look. It would almost seemed pitch black if it weren't for the bright lights and the different buildings.

Everything stood silent around her for a moment as she walked through the street, but suddenly a hand was placed on her shoulder. Before it forced her to turn back around to look at the person.

"Hello miss. How about I make this easier for both of us by emptying that wallet of yours?" The man said he was about an inch taller than her. He had a wolf cut with black hair, with a face that was not intimidating at all.

As she looked at the man, without responding or even talking. He decided he should just knock her out and take her money. But once he tried, he was quickly humbled after she caught the punch and flipped him over onto the floor. Making him gasp and widen his eyes at the sudden pain.

"That was a nice move, little lady." A voice said behind her, much older. She felt to thank the stranger for the compliment. "Thank you." Y/n smiled at the shorter man.

"My name is Gouki Shibukawa. It is nice to meet you." Shibukawa returned the smile. "You have gained my attention from the move. Faster than I thought. How did you learn it?"

"That move I had to teach myself. I prefer to be taught by someone. But I just moved to Japan so I still need to settle and find a teacher." Y/n replied as she glanced over at him.

"How about," Gouki began, "You drop by my dojo and we can discuss this more." He offered.

"Are you actually a teacher?" Y/n looked him up and down, unsure.

"I may look old, but I am quite powerful. Come, walk with me." He offered making Y/n hesitate before walking beside him as they walked through the bunches of people on the street.

"I am surprised you don't know who I am. I'm quite famous in the martial arts world." Shibukawa claimed.

"I only know a few people in the fighting industry, Yujiro Hanma, Doppo Orochi, and Kaioh Retsu. That's it."  Y/n replied before shoving her hands into the pocket of her jacket

"So you're new? Are you a fighter?" Shibukawa asked. "I wish I was a fighter, but I only know basic moves so I can't call myself a fighter."

"How about I teach you? As I said earlier. It would be an honor to teach you, you have much more potential than anyone I have taught before." He stated. "What do you teach? Karate?"

"I teach the art I made. Aiki. It is quite powerful. You don't rely on strength, but the technique." Shibukawa explained. "I think I have heard of that before," Y/n admitted before Gouki Shibukawa stopped in their tracks. "From now on, I will be your new sensei," Shibukawa said before he bowed, so Y/n reacted by bowing back in respect.

After that one day, she started to become more and more powerful. Even earning herself a spot to fight in the famous Tokugawa underground arena. And along with a title, "Master of illusions." Mostly because In most of the fights she has been in, she does a fake punch to trick her enemy so she can get an easier hit.

In the Maximum tournament she was very close to coming to the finals, but was defeated by Katsumi Orochi. But that brought them into a friendship. So after their fight, it was quite weird to see them laughing together like if they weren't just rivaling together in the arena.

And Shibukawa has been much of a help, inspiring her to make her own moves and tricks in her future fights. But not only that but Y/n and him have become more and more close over the time they have trained together. Making Shibukawa seem like a person Y/n could trust, like a father or brother.

So a few years later, in present time, Y/n and Shibukawa sat at a table drinking tea together when suddenly they got a visitor.

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