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Y/n's POV

We were playing around in the water when I stepped on some seaweed "AHH I STEPPED ON SEAWEED" I jumped up and landed in sanzus arms. He looked at me in confusion and embarrassment. Our eyes met and he dropped me. Yes he dropped me. "BBBBLBLBLBLLBLB" I screamed from under the water. I swam back up "WHYD YA DROP ME" I asked "I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO" he retorted.

We had some more fun and then we went to eat Ice cream at a nearby ice cream place "sanzu you should get bubblegum" I recommended grinning "maybe I will" he pouted. "Mikey can I guess what you are going to get?" I asked "sure" he responded "vanilla" I stated "how did you know?" He asked "you just seem like the type of person to want something simple and not too hard to choose" I said and kokonoi started clapping.

They dropped me off at my house, I said goodbye and they drove off. I walked to the appartement but I had to take the weird alleyway to the back door. I went through the back and slowly walked to the door near the en did the alley way when I saw somehting behind them felt a rag over my mouth. I breathed in and fainted from the drugs on the rag.

I woke up in a cold dark empty room. I was tied up and gagged with a blindfold in my mouth and on my eyes. '..am I kidnapped?!?' I thought fearing the possibilities of what would happen to me, suddenly a door opened bursting me out of my thoughts. "Awake are we?" I heard a non familiar voice say. "mmm!" I yelled through the gag. "I hear your good friends with a certain bonten gang member.. sanzu?" He asked. My eyes widened under the blindfold.

"I'm gonna take this blindfold off but try anything and you will be punished." He stated coldly and removed the blindfold. I saw a guy with yellow hair and he was wearing a red jumpsuit. "Good, now I'll take off the gag in your mouth but one peep from you and you don't wanna know what happens" he said and I nodded in fear. He took it off my mouth with a string of saliva connecting my lips to the blindfold which broke.

"Now we're gonna give your friends a little call alright sweetie?" He said trailing his hands down my thigh. I whimpered at the unwanted touch. "You know on second thought let me take a minute to get to know you hm?" He said putting his hand on my chin. I took the opportunity and bit his hand "OW YOU LITTLE BITCH" he said before slapping me across the face drawing some blood from my cheeks.

"Never mind" he said dialing his phone. "Hello?" Sanzu asked from the other end of the call. It felt comforting to hear his voice but it did close to nothing in the situation I was in. "help" I whimpered out loud enough for him to hear "y/n?!?" He said scared. The guy slapped me again "shut up bitch what did I tell you about talking huh?" He asked "who the fuck is this and where is y/n" sanzu demanded

"it's nobutaka from moebius, I told you your gang was going to pay one way or another" he laughed "you better come find her before it's too late~ of course you'll have to get through my gang first" he said in a cocky voice "sanzu please!" I whimpered which earned a punch this time to the stomach. Sanzu heard my coughing and his fist hitting me and couldn't take it "I'm going to make sure you pay for this one limb at a time" sanzu said coldly "please" I said now crying. He kicked me with his hard boots, I yelped and he ended the call.

"Now while we wait" he grinned putting a hand on my waist. He trailed it down to my stomach and around the back off my skirt on my ass squeezing it. I yelped and a tear dropped from my eye scared of what was going to happen until sanzu came. He wiped the tear from my face "don't worry I'll take extra good care of you" he said smirking. It had been close to 3 hours in captivity.

I was going to faint from the blood loss when the door busted open and so did my eyes at the glimpse of pink hair behind it. "Your gangs taken care of now it's your turn bitch" rindou said walking in with sanzu, Mikey, koko, ran, and this other guy with a braid and a dragon tattooed on the side of his hair. "Draken go get y/n while we take care of him" ran said. The guy with the braid came up to me but I flinched when he put his hand out to untie me "don't worry I'm with sanzu" he reassured me. He helped me out of the ropes that held my hands and ankles tied together.

I walked wobbly up to sanzu who had just beat up the other guy. He took one look at my state and gave me a passionate hug "I'm sorry y/n" he said "what did they do to you?" He said eyeing my bleeding cuts and bruises "h-he touched me" was all I could get out with shaky words. "That little fucker" he said looking at the beat up guy "Mikey torture him" he said coldly at the guy on the floor "great idea" Mikey said also staring at my beat up self.

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