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I changed into the clothes that mikey had brought me from my apartment it was just a random t-shirt and shorts he grabbed at first sight. I looked at my cuts and took time to realize what had actually happened in that room for 3 hours knowing something worse could've. A small tear drop fell from my eye. At the same time sanzu and the others that had newly came from finishing and sorting out their work walked in. I wiped the tear and took my gaze off my arms as quick as I could but I knew they had seen it.

I didn't want them to feel responsible in any way for this. I mean it wasn't my fault or theirs. Mikey surprisingly took the lead on this one "I made sure they're never going to touch you again" he whispered while holding my bruised arm up. "Thank you" I said giving him a warm hug. We all walked out of the room together and checked out of the hospital. My walking was kind of wobbly but it was good enough to get to the car. Draken got in the front seat and Mikey in shotgun meaning I still had to sit in someone's lap. I went to the easiest option and sat with sanzu, I layed my head back into his chest and he hugged me from the back with his hands around my bandaged waist.

Draken drove to this random house "huh this isn't my apartment?" I asked "obviously not are you trying to get double kidnapped?" Koko said "your staying with sanzu" draken clarified. "Why? Didn't you take care of the gang that snatched me?" I said "yes but that doesn't mean your not a target for other gangs" ran piped in "plus it's only for 2 weeks until your healed" rindou said. "What about my stuff?" I asked "taken care of" Mikey answered. "How did you guys just all answer one question I feel like this was rehearsed" I said "we knew you were gonna say all of the above" sanzu said "damn" I said getting out of the car with sanzu.

We got out and he helped me to walk to the front door and let me in his house. "How do you have such a nice house without parents?" I asked "gang work pays a lot" he said shrugging. My eyes widened remembering he was also in a gang with the rest of the guys. He looked at my remembering state and said "y/n I want you to know our gang doesn't do the shit that moebius does, they're a disgusting gang and to horrible things, I mean it's not like we're saints but we don't just randomly kidnap people ok?" He clarified "I know you don't seem like the type of people to do that anyways" I said smiling.

He brought me to my room which was nice and the drawers were already filled with my clothes and my hair and skin stuff in the attached bathroom. I sat down on the bed looking around "we told your landlord the situation so you don't have to pay your rent until you get back" sanzu said "I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys" I said, giving him a pat on the head. He sat down on the bed with me and we sat in silence for about 3 minutes "y/n I have a question" sanzu said "go ahead" I answered "d-did they r-rape you?" He asked nervously "no but they sure did a lot of touching" I said shivering at the thought that my first time could've been with a kidnapper.

He layed down and held my head to his chest "thank god" he said full of relief  "but it's still unforgivable how they fucking touched you" he said scared to know what I had been through. "I know sanzu but it's over now and I can't really do anything much other than heal" I said reassuring him. It's almost like he had starting treating me softer since this happened. I loved it but I also did love how we always bickered and teased eachother. Meanwhile sanzu texted his group chat with bonten.

'Best gang ever'

So did he?...


Did she tell you?

Did you ask her?

Yeah I asked


No, he didn't but apparently he did do a lot of fucking touching

Thats good but still

That little


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