Chapter 5: Bring your Dominant to work, Day.

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A week. It's been a week since Ermano has...enlightened me with his presence. He's been helpful, Welcoming and just perfect the whole time he has been here. And well, work is always painful. SO today, I figured I could take Ermano with me. The office is pretty big and secluded however, my 'friends' will start questioning who he is eventually. What am I going to do then? He's not my boyfriend, or any thing. So I guess I could  say friend. But, how would Ermano feel about that title? Clearly we are more than that so— I just leave it alone and I button up my top and grab my suit case.

" Ermano? Are you ready?"

" Downstairs, Elizabeth."

I make my way down and he holds out his hand, helping me down the railless steps.  I thank him with a smile and slip on my shoes, flats to save my feet from suffering.

" Alright let's go." I say nibbling on a piece of toast and walking out to a different selection of vehicle for the morning. Once in Ermano sits in the passenger seat, he fixed up his tie and cuffs. I try not to acknowledge his attractive gesture, but he sort of notices and I can see  him smiling in my peripheral vision. 

" So your reason for bring me? "he inquires.

" Boredum. Perhaps you can make today a little more.. interesting? "

" Oh? " he states simply, raising a brow.

" Mmhm." I respond.

" By Interesting I hope you mean something In a professional sense."

" Depends on whose profession we will lean towards." I tease.

"Elizabeth, You know what happens to employees that mess around at work?"

" I'm the Head of the company. No one is firing me."

Ermano accepts this and he chuckles buckling up. The ride was actually filled with small talk, things like The news and Our interests, something unusual for a ride with Ermano. There usually is way to much sexual tension to speak. But it seems I'm getting used to it. 


We reach the office building and I get out first, going into the trunk to grab a few files and placing them in my suit case. Ermano takes the case and I look at him.

" Try to behave, okay?"

"I won't make any promises." he teased

" Good." I say looking to either side of me checking to see if the coast was clear, growing intimate with him, bringing my arms around his waist and pressing myself against him. Ermano raised a brow and I speak again.

"I'm feeling more on the rebel-side today anyway. "

" 'Rebel-side'?" he repeats handing me the bag. " You aren't serious. At work?"

I just watch him and smile, making my way inside with him, signing him in and then I fluster a little as we make our way to the elevator.  We suddenly didn't have anything to say when the elevator opened and we stepped inside. I actually grew quite nervous.  He stood in the middle with me and I move some hair out of my face and watch the door close.

" 2 floors..?" he asks referring to only two buttons for the whole building.

" Well, This is a private elevator. For those that work in section A, they use this elevator. Level B, C-- all levels have their own elevator. Well, except R to Z. I'm in A-1 obviously, but  this elevator goes from A-1 to lobby only."

" Oh. So no stopps?"

I warm.

"Just to my work space."

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