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Kali's door slowly opens and the killer carefully enters.

"Where is she?" the killer mumbled.

Kali's bed was empty. She looked around the room and decided to check the bathroom. Again, it was empty. The killer went out of the room and she something downstairs.

Going down slowly, she found what she was looking for in the living room. Kali is sitting comfortably on her sofa while drinking champagne.

The killer didn't know that the owner of the house knew she was there until...

"Want some?" Kali asked her without looking.

Her eyes grew wide as she stood frozen. Kali tilted her head to side-eye her with a smirk.

The killer is finding it odd how calm Kali is despite her place being intruded on.

"What? Not a fan of champagne? What about red wine?" she asked.

"Where is she?" the killer asked thinking that Kali already knew her purpose.

Kali's face shows confusion, "Who?"

"Quit acting and answer my question," the killer said.

Kali's face hardened and she stands facing her.

"I should be the one asking here, don't you think?" Kali asked back.

"Cut the crap, doc, and tell me where the madam is if you want to live," the killer threatened.

Kali chuckled and crossed her arms, "Make me," she said staring like a killer she is herself.

The killer was taken aback by the way Kali is looking at her. She can't see any traces of fear in her and that made her curious about Kali's true identity.

"Who are you?" the killer asked.

Kali scoffed, "What kind of assassin are you? You didn't study your homework," Kali mocked.

The killer gritted her teeth, "Just fucking answer me!" she demanded.

Kali shrugged and sighed, "You wanted to know? Fine, but it has consequences,"

The killer frowned and Kali smiled creepily.

"Knowing me will cost you dearly, nurse Mian or should I say, Shanta?" she said surprising the killer.

How did the doctor know her code name? That's what is running in her head.

"Curious? I told you there's a price for knowing me. But it looks like you're ready to pay (die). So..."

Kali suddenly throws a knife at her and it grazed her cheek.

Shanta breathes deeply. She looked at the knife on the floor.

"You!" she seethed and ran toward Kali.

The two engaged in a fight. Shanta was distracted because she keeps thinking about who Kali is and how can she's good at fighting.

"This is boring," Kali remarked. They are at a safe distance.

"Maybe this is the reason why you don't belong to any gang. You're lame," Kali said.

It irked Shanta, "Shut up. You think you're better?" she taunts but Kali just smile and shrugged.

"No need to think, because I am," Kali answered.

Shanta scoffed, "You missed," she said pointing at her wound.

Kali just shrugged. She walks circling Shanta.

"I think it's good that you're a solo. Because if not, your gang will be at war after I kill you," Kali said giving a clue that she belongs to a gang.

Shanta laughed, "Then I pity your gang. They will get in trouble for someone like you,"

KALINA (Book 3: The Elixir Series)Where stories live. Discover now