🖤Chapter 6💗

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(Present day,The garage)
Alina sobbed as she sat in the garage,Bumblebee doing his best to comfort her.
"Alina! Hey you okay?" Sam asked as walked in the garage and sat by her.
"I don't know what I ever saw in him..he's horrible.." Alina murmured as she wiped her eyes.
"Alina,some men are like that..some men suck." Sam murmured as he patted his sister on the back.
"Yeah well..I thought he was different." Alina murmured.
Bumblebee sighed then suddenly he got a message from Optimus.
"Bumblebee! To the forest! Now! It's bad!" Optimus yelled as it sounded like he was fighting someone.
"Okay we got to go." Sam said as he climbed into Bumblebee's alt mode and zoomed away while Alina got on her motorcycle and zoomed beside them.
(With Megatron)
"You just had to protect the human didn't you?!" Megatron yelled as he slammed his brother Optimus on the ground.
"You knew what they did to my mate! Yet you let them live! Why?! You knew what she means to me!" Megatron yelled in fury.
"You're the one who caused this..you started the war..this is ALL your fault.." Optimus snarled spitting in his brother's face.
Megatron growled as he impaled Optimus with the sword,the autobot screamed once then he..went limp.
"No! Optimus! Sam yelled as he ran over to the dead autobot followed by Bumblebee.
"What have you done!?" Alina yelled in horror.
"He tried to destroy what I built..Now my love we can rule the world together,galaxy after galaxy and leave these pathetic humans behind us." Megatron growled with a smirk.
"Never!" Alina yelled as she shoved him away.
Megatron growled at this then turned to look at Sam who was incredibly confused.
"You've brainwashed her,you've tricked her,but don't worry,you all will pay." Megatron growled as he picked up Sam.
"If it's the last thing I do!" Megatron growled as he went to cut open Sam's brain.
"No!" Alina yelled as she threw a wooden stick at him,knocking the decepticon warlord over.
"Alina!" Sam yelled breaking free of Megatron's grip and running to his sister hugging her tight.
"Sam..I need to tell you something.." Alina murmured as she stared at her mate.
"I..I'm not your sister..I..I'm a experiment." Alina murmured sadly as she looked at the person she once called her brother.
"My name's Pastel,and I was born a cybertronian but the spacecraft I was in crash landed,humans then experimented on me,making me a human,and your parents have raised me as there daughter this whole time.." Alina murmured.
"How is that possible?" Sam asked.
"My spark was taken from body to body they must have used something to erase your parents and my memory to make them and me not remember." Alina murmured as she wiped her eyes.
"My mate..I must confess something as well.." Megatron growled.
"What?" Alina asked as she stared at him with distaste in her eyes.
"The fallen has rose again..and..now..he's gonna try to destroy the sun to make more energon..I'm sorry my love.." Megatron growled.
"Who's the fallen?!" Sam asked.
"The fallen was once a prime,one of the thirteen original primes,but he turned evil and tried to destroy the human race and was gonna blow up the sun before the primes stopped him by building a tomb of there own bodies,hiding the matrix of leadership,which made Optimus a prime." Alina murmured.
"And only a prime can defeat him.." Megatron growled as he stood up.
"And the only one is dead.." Sam murmured.
Bumblebee nodded beeping sadly.
Alina looked at her mate who nodded once.
"I think I'll pass as a prime,at least for awhile." Megatron said grabbing a piece of Optimus primes spark and putting it in his own chest.
"Now let's go,we dont have long before he activates the machine to destroy the sun." Megatron growled.
"Exactly." Alina said as she started her bike and zoomed beside her mate as he switched to alt mode and her brother followed inside Bumblebee's alt mode.

-End of chapter.

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