Prologue: Meadowbrook village

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The land of GreenHaven was truly an enormous place. The outskirts were filled with snowy and gigantic mountains. The land within was filled with Greenland, fields with lakes with many small settlements. The GreenHaven castle was the hugest of them all it stood out in the middle of the land with a huge wall surrounding it in order to keep off some of the dangers that lurked within the land. Although some of villages were quite with settlers minding their own business others were took over by bandits or pirates who were only looking to make some gold by any means necessary. The fierce forests surrounded some of the land, the trees within that area were 20 feet fall and contained some of the deadliest creatures, from the bucktooth tigers to the Goliaths. The bucktooth tigers were the biggest tigers known to man in the lands of GreenHaven and had teeth so large they could split someone in half within a few bites whoever their size was outmatched by the Goliaths. The Goliath's were 15 foot giants that would often set up camp in the fierce forest but did not take kind to human visitors especially hunters. The king advised people not to venture to deep within the forest and it was illegal for children to go into the forests at all.

The smallest settlement within the land was Meadowbrook village. It was a rather peaceful place, with small cottages, shops where traders would sell goods for gold, these shops included Patricks potions and Ians ingredients, Ritas robes and even everyones favourite tavern; the golden horse.

Within one of the small wooden cottages, a man was sleeping in his bed. He had messy, shaggy waves of brown hair, the same colour brown also matched his eye colour. He was a tall man around the age of nineteen years old and 6 feet tall. The tall man was woken by a huge bang on his bedroom door.

"Wake up Walter! The sun has risen, its time for me and you to start our chores for the day!" A mans voice echoed.

"Huh?" Walter replied drowsily.

"Im giving you precisely 5 minutes to get out of bed or god help me, ill go down to Patricks and buy one of those sleep deprivation potions!" Explained Walters father.

"Okay! Im coming." Yawned Walter.

Walter jumped out of bed and had a wash down from his pale of water. He stuck on his wooly shirt and woollen trousers then put on his leather boots. He washed himself once more on his face to wake himself up a little again.

He walked into the dining room where he sat down and ate his breakfast with his father.

"Theres your list of chores for the day." Walters father said handing him a note while he sipped his mug.

"Just for the record i don't have to buy that potion you was on about giving to me." Walter asked jokingly.

"No!" His father laughed. "But Patrick needs you to fetch some ingredients for him from the lake, hes offering a good bit of gold for it . Just try to avoid the mermaids, if i had a gold piece for everytime they rhymed a sentence. Very chatty they are. Shame they aint the other way round dont hear fish talking yah head off all day, do yah now?"

"The mermaids cant be that bad can they? Don't they usually stay under the water? Walter asked as stuffed down his venison meat.

"Thats the thing you see. Last time i was there they was eager to chat to me but im too busy to stay about and talk to fish, work is more important and putting food on this table." Walters father explained.

"Seems a bit out of character for a mermaid they usually keep themselves to themselves, i don't think I've ever even seen one cone out of the lake." Walter said curiously.

"Well never mind that, ive got to go hunting in the forests to get some more food. You finish yah chores and be on yah best behaviour and don't go wondering up to that Norah Nittletons house will yah. Would rather avoid a brawl with her father again after what you two got up to last time." Walters father said as he left the table.

Walter finished his meal and then read through his fathers note.

The note read;

Walters Chores

1. Speak to Patrick down at Patricks potions and Ians ingredients and collect some ingredients i requested, he also has a job for you that will pay

2. Collect some supplies that have been ordered from Willies Weapons and should be ready to collect this afternoon

3. Practice your archery at Adams archery, you'll be needing to learn how to hunt soon use some of the gold from finishing your first chore to buy a bow but put the REST OF IT IN MY CHEST AT HOME AND NOT IN YAH POCKETS


Walter rolled his eyes and chuckled a little then pocketed the note from his father.

"Well best crack on with it!" Walter yelled as he left the cottage...

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