Chapter 4: Faces from the Past

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Disclaimer: Did Magical Britain ever recognize the contribution Lily Potter made to the first downfall of Voldemort? If not, I don't own the Harry Potter franchise; it belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros., and whoever else she sold the rights to.

"Thanks. Quite a lot more was in the closet. Kreacher gave me Bella's old room and apparently everything she left in it."

The doorbell chose that moment to ring, and Sirius was more than willing to greet whoever was waiting outside and let Narcissa admire the nostalgic clothing. Once he opened the door, however, he wished he had stayed and listened to the girl talk.

"Can I help you, Lily?"

If Sirius said that he doubted one of the Potters would eventually show up at his door, he would be lying. He had been at odds with them since their first – and last – meeting in his room at St. Mungo's. Charles and Dorea Potter had taken him in after he ran away at sixteen, and originally he had thought it was because they were willing to stand up for those that needed help but had nowhere else to turn. After hearing that James and Lily had thrown Jen away like so much rubbish just like his parents would have done to him, however, he was now wondering if he had a place to stay that summer solely because Dorea had drawn on her Black roots and offered shelter to family.

It was either that or James had fallen so far from the morals of his youth as to no longer be worthy of being called their son.

So, while finding Lily here to talk to him was unfortunate, it was not unexpected. He felt he knew why she was here, as well. She wanted him to stop searching for Jen and instead spend his time training Daniel-the-Golden-Boy-Who-Lived.

"You can," Lily answered with a weak smile. "Sirius, it's time you gave up trying to gain custody of Jenny. She's probably happier at Petunia's home, anyway."

One for two.

"Besides, you've been out of the hospital for a month and haven't visited Danny once. He wants to become closer to his godfather after all these years without you; don't you want to get to know him?"

Can I call 'em or what?

"Funny you should mention that last part, Lily. I'm sure my goddaughter would have liked to know her godfather growing up as well. Her mother and father, too, for that matter."

Lily sighed; this was obviously not working out as she hoped. "Sirius, we've explained why we gave her to Petunia. If she were with us, she would be constantly shunted to the side because she didn't fit in. In the Muggle world, on the other hand, she'd be no different from anyone else. She's fine, she's happy, so please just let it go."

Sirius grinned, causing her to take a step back. It was not a happy or even mocking smile, but one that was almost feral. "I love how you still believe that she's safe with your sister."

"She isn't?" Lily's face showed only her confusion, but he was happy to hear a note of fear creeping into her voice. She gave her child to someone and then made no effort to ensure that little girl's happiness; she and James deserved all the pain that could be heaped on them for that.

"No, she isn't. The Dursleys' was the first place I looked. She hasn't lived with them since she was five."

Lily stood frozen in shock for a moment before she whispered. "You can't be serious."

"I am, and I am. Still think she's fine and happy?"

"This is no time for jokes! After eight years, she could be anywhere!" She tried to run into the house only to bounce off his chest. "Sirius, let me in so I can Floo call James! All three of us will cover a lot more ground than you can by yourself!"

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