Chapter 6: Shopping Spree

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This is a bit longer than I had planned, so I cut some of the third scene to end it sooner; honestly, I think it's an improvement. It helped that I was not going write another chapter on them shopping. Here, Jen shows once again how different she is, and even makes a friend (maybe)!

Disclaimer: Did Harry ever have clothes that fit him? If not, I don't own the Harry Potter franchise; it belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros., and whoever else she sold the rights to.

Ignoring said man's growls, she continued, "As it is a Sunday afternoon, we only have a few short hours before the stores close, so we shall divide the tasks between us. Andromeda, would you be willing to attend to the apothecary and purchase the necessary ingredients?" Andi nodded. "Excellent. Sirius, go to Gringotts and have two money bags filled. You can meet with my sister at the apothecary to give her one and then come to Madam Malkin's where Jen and I will be to pay for the robes. Jen, you will then go with Andromeda to the bookstore before joining Sirius to get a wand." She cut off the girl's protests. "I know you do not need one, but one properly matched to you may, in fact, aid your magic. If nothing else, you will avoid standing out further.

"Everyone knows what they are doing first, any questions? No? Good, let us begin." With those final words, their general set out for the entrance to the alley.

Jen followed her adopted aunt out the backdoor of the dingy pub and into a short alleyway. Taking a moment to examine their new location, she noticed magic was flowing along the surface of the brick wall ahead of them and into a small 'hole'. Moving closer, she realized the hole was actually a tunnel leading to the other side.

Cissy drew her wand and tapped the brick in which the hole was located, and Jen felt the wall in astonishment as it expanded, magic spiraling into it even as the bricks rotated away, forming an archway leading to a cobblestone road. She began speaking again as they walked under the arch. "This is Diagon Alley. We will return again another day to give you an opportunity to explore, but for now we have a deadline. Sirius, Andi, you have your duties." The two nodded and moved toward a large building at one end of the Alley. "Our destination, my dear, is in the other direction." They matched their actions to her words and began walking to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

"If you desire clothes other than my sister's old things, we can go to Twilfit and Tattings for more formal wear later; I know we will need to in order to purchase the dress robes your supply list mentioned."

"Why?" Jen asked. "Many of Bella's clothes fit me, so why wouldn't I be able to use one of her dress robes as well?"

"More expensive clothing, like a high-quality dress robe, has numerous spells on it, such as weather sensitive warming and cooling charms, self-cleaning spells, and theft-protection," explained Cissy as she opened the door to Malkin's store. "That last spell synchronizes with the magic of the first person to wear the article, preventing all others from donning it. It is useful for clothing that one does not wish to lose, but it makes passing them on nearly impossible. Ah, Isabel, a pleasure to see you again."

The short, squat witch who was hustling over to them gave an awkward curtsey. "You as well, Madam Malfoy, and who is this?"

Cissy placed her hand on Jen's shoulder, "This is my niece, Jennifer Black. She is in need of a full set of Hogwarts robes; silk, of course."

"Of course. There is another young lady being fitted here as well, right inside." The trio moved into the fitting room, where she took her position on the platform adjacent to the one the other girl was on. A quick peek into her aunt's thoughts revealed her appreciation of the girl's chestnut hair and slim figure.

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