Chapter 32: Family Stress

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So, this chapter was supposed to include the final Task, but... let's just my muse was feeling sympathetic for my many poor, deprived Luna fans.

Disclaimer: Were the champions' families only allowed to watch the Third Task? If so, I don't own the Harry Potter franchise; it belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros., and whoever else she sold the rights to.

Jen dropped heavily onto the bench at the Ravenclaw table, doing her best to ignore the nearly palpable excitement running through the other students in the Great Hall. Her nerves had kept her up the previous night, and it was obvious in her demeanor. This was her last opportunity; if she made even a single misstep, that was it. No chance of recovery.

Tonight was the final Task of the Triwizard Tournament, and she intended to take the prize.

She had just prepared herself a cup of tea when Flitwick practically skipped over to her. "And how are you doing this wonderful morning, Miss Black?"

"Not as well as I will be once I'm fully awake," she replied shortly.

He chuckled at that. "Well, I have news that should cheer you up immensely. Even though the Task isn't until tonight, all the champions' families have been invited to the castle for the day. They'll be arriving after breakfast and assembling in the main courtyard."

"That is good news," she replied with a faint smile. Of all the champions, she had probably seen her family most recently – being able to fly to the edge of the wards and then teleport home made that much more convenient – but those visits had only been for a couple of hours every few weeks. Spending a full day with them would be most enjoyable. However... "You said they're invited to the castle, but does that mean we have to stay here? Knowing my aunts, they will at least want to go out for lunch." Not to mention, it provides an explanation for where I was keeping all my 'secondary foci'.

"You know, the headmaster never told anyone you had to remain here. He implied it, certainly, but he did not actually say so." Mischief radiated from the quarter-goblin as he grinned, the expression matched on her own face. "I would say there's no reason you couldn't."

Flitwick turned and made his way back to the staff table, and Jen attacked her breakfast with sudden gusto. Approximately an hour later, all but seven of the students rose to take the last of their exams. Those remaining waited until the crowd had sufficiently thinned before heading towards the school's main courtyard.

The moment Jen entered the open space, she had to wonder about the half-dozen or so magicals milling about. All of them are more powerful than your average wizard, and it feels like they are wearing the same uniform, too. What could have possibly brought the Aurors to Hogwarts? One witch peeled away from the rest of the group, and the girl was shortly lifted a few inches off the ground in a hug. "Wotcher, Jen!"

"Good to see you, too, Dora. Now put me down." Her enthusiastic cousin dropped her with a huff, and she intently ignored the snickering of the other students. "Not that I mind, but why are you even here?"

"Security. The history of this Tournament being what it is, Madam Bones and Scrimgeour, the Head Auror, thought it was best that all of you had a bodyguard to make sure no one was kidnapped or sabotaged before the last Task starts. Guess who's stuck with you?"

"The Baron save me from an overprotective family." She frowned as her sonar found the other Blacks. "And speaking of family..."

"Later," Dora interrupted. She waved a wizard to approach. "Think it's about time we got this show on the road, Shack?"

"May as well," the large Auror said in a slow, deep voice. "Since you already have your charge, you can move on. Potter, you'll be spending the day with Dawlish." Here a sullen man nodded at the Lion. "Diggory, go with Robards..."

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