Chapter 14: Progress Report

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Disclaimer: Did Madam Pomfrey (or anyone, really) ever suggest a magical treatment for Harry's vision problems? If not, I don't own the Harry Potter franchise; it belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros., and whoever else she sold the rights to.

The end of September brought the first staff meeting of the year, and for once Filius Flitwick was dreading it. He had elected not to explain the sudden drop in house points after that initial week, which spawned a slew of rumors ranging from the logical to the absurd. Like my students are foolish enough to get caught breeding an enormous eagle to eat annoying first years; the key phrase here being 'get caught'. Based on what I've learned recently, I can't put it past them to have tried it.

Years ago, Albus had handed almost all of his Headmaster duties to Minerva due to his multiple roles in the government. This was understandable to a degree, but she had been incapable of completing the tasks necessary to run the school in addition to her other responsibilities, namely teaching and keeping a firm hand on the Gryffindors. She had, in turn, deputized Filius to assist her, thereby putting him in the same position. They had both chosen to let their prefects handle the day-to-day operation of the houses while they concentrated their efforts elsewhere; in his case, that had been a terrible mistake.

The fact was, highly intelligent children may find trouble less often, but when they did, the situation inevitably became extraordinarily complicated. Without him keeping an eye out, the older students had organized a social hierarchy with themselves at the peak; younger students were obligated to run errands for them – what errands his seventh years wanted done he was afraid to ask, though the stores of firewhiskey and Playwizard magazines gave him a few clues – or face severe hexing, and tutors would charge money or sexual favors for their time, depending on their pupils' ages. This had apparently been going on for years, starting with the delinquents who filled the class of '85.

He sat down in his chair in the staff room and, with a swish of his wand, enlarged it so he could see over the top of the table. As he was the last teacher to enter, Albus waved his hand and closed the doors. Most of the others in the room still felt some awe every time the Headmaster used wandless magic, but he had been watching Miss Black perform magic in his class for the past month. Compared to the casual ease she displayed, Albus was a novice content with mere parlor tricks.

"We have survived the start of a new school year. Does anyone have any specific business to bring up?"

"I do," offered Pomona. "I was hoping Filius could tell us why the Ravenclaw prefects were removed from the patrol roster."

He sighed. "That would be because I had to strip their positions from them after it was brought to my attention that they were abusing their authority and bullying the younger students, in particular Miss Lovegood."

There were gasps throughout the room, and he continued, "That is also why we still have negative house points and why Mr. Filch has been so busy overseeing detentions recently. I do apologize for the inconvenience, Pomona. Related to that topic," he turned to Minerva, "I'm afraid you will need to enlist someone else's help with administrative duties. Now that I know my students aren't mature enough to supervise themselves, I am far too busy."

"Minerva, what does Filius mean?" Albus asked with a frown.

"I've been splitting the work you constantly pass over to me with him so I can at least try to balance my many hats," she said, directing a glare at him. "There's a reason the Headmaster isn't allowed to hold other positions in Hogwarts, and it's not so he can play politics in London or Avignon!"

Aurora cut in, steering the conversation back to its original course. "Who was it that brought the situation to light?"

"Miss Black," he replied with more than a hint of pride. Was September too early to start considering the next year's prefects?

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