Chapter 7: Problems on the Platform

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September first at last, and it only took us six chapter to get here! It makes me wonder how long I'll need to get through the next two school years.

Disclaimer: Did Harry always enter Platform 9¾ from the Muggle side, even when he was staying with the Weasleys? If so, I don't own the Harry Potter franchise; it belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros., and whoever else she sold the rights to.

Four women, two men, and a bird entered a train station.

We sound like a bad joke, Jen thought. Both her adopted aunts and Sirius had informed her that there was no way they were going to let her Floo onto Platform 9¾ by herself, especially since this would be her first time taking the Hogwarts Express. Tired of arguing, she had let the matter drop and accepted that since none of the three of them had actual jobs, there was no reason they couldn't go with her.

Then she was told that Dora and Ted were taking the day off to join in.

"I still don't see the point of the entire family coming here. It's a train; I'm going to get on it, find a seat, and leave. What part of that requires all of you escorting me?" At least they had only come ten minutes early; she had talked them down from the hour they had initially demanded.

"Nostalgia, for the most part," Andi answered. "We still remember the days we spent taking the train to Hogwarts with our friends, parents waving at us as we rolled away. Now, we get to see you ride the same train on to the school for the first time."

"It also lets us scare away any boys who try to get too close," growled Sirius, glaring at the clothes she was wearing. She had used her scrying mirror to make the selection and had chosen a fine outfit, apparently meant for dueling, composed of a green silk blouse over dark canvas trousers. Combined with the black high-heeled dragonhide boots Cissy had purchased for her in Diagon, she was sure to catch many people's eyes; the sooner she had their attention, the sooner she could begin to make the social and political connections necessary for the next four years and her entire post-Hogwarts life.

It had not been kept secret from her that, as Sirius's goddaughter, she would probably gain control of the Black family upon his death or abdication, a scenario that was even more likely due to the fact that his time in Azkaban meant that he would be exceedingly lucky to ever have progeny. Together with the 'procedure' her aunts had performed on her, her claim to the role of Family Head was practically unassailable.

He had also taken the opportunity this summer to explain the realities of the position to her, and she now understood more about the duties she would be expected to discharge than she had ever wanted to know. To be honest, she thought most of the tasks she would be required to perform were extremely tedious, but at least the Black family wasn't like other Ancient Houses that prohibited women from taking on the role in favor of their husbands or sons. There were simply too many daughters of Family Heads who deserved their name 'Bellatrix' for that rule to have lasted long.

Jen sighed. She might wish her future was more interesting, but at least this way she wouldn't have to worry about being cast out of the family like she would have if Cissy's son was the head; her month in Grimmauld Place had spoiled her too much for her to desire returning to Avryporth.

"Yes, yes, Siri, let's keep all evil, lusting, sex-obsessed boys away from me for all time," she said, responding finally to Sirius's half-serious joke. "Please recall who one of my clients was and point to the flaw in your logic."

He blinked in confusion before his eyes shot to Cissy. "Right. On second thought, you can take your OWLs and NEWTs after homeschooling."

B.Q. Book One: Princess of the BlacksKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat