Chapter 2 - Fateful Reunion

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Madison sat alone on a weathered wooden bench in the heart of New Domino City Park. The afternoon sun warmed her face as a gentle breeze rustled the newly bloomed tulips and hyacinths surrounding her. She breathed in their sweet floral scent as she idly scrolled through her phone.

One article headline made her pause - "Rex Goodwin: The Man Behind The Public Security Bureau." Instantly, memories of her encounter with Rex weeks prior flooded her mind. She recalled his piercing jade green eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. The warmth and strength of his embrace as he held her. The hint of a smile that crossed his stoic face before he disappeared from her life as abruptly as he had entered it.

Unconsciously, Madison began to wonder if Rex also remembered their encounter, and if it meant something to him.

Lost in her daydream, Madison was startled when she heard someone approaching from behind. She turned and saw Rex Goodwin standing there, looking imposing in his pristine grey suit. Madison's heart leapt as their eyes met in a moment heavy with unspoken feelings.

"Hello again. May I join you?" Rex's voice contained a nervous edge. Madison nodded eagerly and motioned to the empty space beside her.

Rex sat upright, hands folded neatly in his lap. A thick silence settled between them. Madison's mind raced, trying to think of what to say.

Finally Rex spoke, looking straight ahead. "I often think back on our encounter. The memory stays with me."

Madison blushed, nervously running her hand over her sleeve. "I-I think about it too," she admitted softly. "I never thought we'd meet again."

Rex turned to look at her then, his expression unreadable. "Your openness that surprised me. But it was also moving, in a way I struggle to describe." He paused, considering his next words. "It reminded me of human connection I've been lacking in my life."

Madison's lips turned up in a gentle smile. "I'm glad if I could remind you of that."

Rex looked out at the swaying flowers and meandering park-goers, lost in thought. "I lead a rather lonely existence. My work consumes me, leaves little room for anything else." He took a slow breath before continuing. "But your gesture that day stirred something in me. It reminded me of my own neglected needs. For care. Affection." His eyes found hers again. "Connection."

Madison nodded slowly. "We all need those things. But it's hard to ask for them."

A small smile crept onto Rex's lips. "Indeed." He turned to face her fully. "Madison, would you like to take a walk with me? And talk some more?"

Madison couldn't contain her smile. "I would love to, Director Goodwin."

Rex's expression warmed. "Please, call me Rex," he said. "Director Goodwin seems too formal now, don't you think?"

Madison giggled softly, a blush tinging her cheeks. "Okay, Rex," His name felt intimate yet natural on her lips.

She tucked her phone away and followed Rex's lead, falling into step beside him as they began their walk together.

They strolled in silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other's company and the beauty around them. Spring flowers were in full bloom, their vibrant colors bursting forth. Birds chirped and soared overhead.

Finally, Rex spoke, his calm voice breaking the stillness. "Tell me about yourself, Madison," he said, turning to look at her with interest. "What do you do?"

Madison hesitated, suddenly self-conscious under his intent gaze. "I work at a local bookstore," she said quietly, feeling inadequate next to Rex's impressive career.

Yugioh 5DS: A Chance Encounter (Rex x OC)Where stories live. Discover now