Chapter 3

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"It's okay to get lost every once and awhile, sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves."

Lost. That was the word I was searching for so diligently before, the word that must have been crammed so far into my head that it took me a few moments before I could connect it to my situation. Because, fuck, I was lost.

I don't remember exactly how I got here. I remember the assault, the noise of my body thumping loudly to the floor, and then nothing. I thought I was dead for a bit, actually I could go as far as to say I hoped I was dead. But eventually I did wake up and my heart somehow was still beating and I felt numb and disgusting and yeah, I wouldn't have minded being dead. But that was then.

Because shortly after I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't alone. I had been laying on an old blanket of sorts, inside of a camping tent with one tiny lantern giving me just enough light to visualize my surrounding. And that's when I almost yelped girlishly because holy shit, someone's face is two inches from mine.

And it wasn't just someone. It was a green eyes. The green eyes I had seen once before that had captivated me to my fullest attention. Although my brain and body still felt attacked so I opened my mouth to let out a screech of panic, because yeah it was the green eyes from earlier, but it was a green eyes, a green eyes that just almost fucking killed you.

I flinched as the creatures long boney hand cupped over my mouth hurriedly. My mind immediately went into panic assault mode and I felt a pang of nausea quickly take over my stomach. I let out a plea of discontent before soothing sounds were emitted through the monsters mouth. It was nothing but a mere hum of reassurance but it gave me the strength to look up at the green eyes above me. He was breathtaking. His eyes practically glowing in the dimly lit tent that I lay rest in. Something about them showed something so unual coming from a creature like he. There was a feeling that emitted from him that seemed to me so human that it made my stomach squirm with something around the lines of excitement and anxiety.

"I'm not going to hurt you, trust me." He whispered lowly before removing his hand from my mouth. His voice was strange, it was light and dripped with golden honey with its soft tone and texture and something about it, about him, was so oddly fascinating that I simply nodded my head weakly to respond.

"When you get out of this tent you will see a big oak tree. As quietly as you can sneak past the two other tents near the fire until you reach the tree, then take a left into the woods. If you keep in that direction, you will eventually find the highway. If you follow it, you should be led to a small town with valuable sources. You'll be safe there, this pack tends to hunt in the other direction. " The man sputtered quickly, with the most rushed whisper my ears have ever had the delight to absorb. It was laced with confidence, like he had either traveled the path many times in the past or he was a generally cocky guy. I looked at him with a slow blink, confusion setting into my brow. Why was he doing this? What's his name? Who is he?

"Wh-" I started, only to be cut off with a silent sound of disapproval.

"Go now. The sun will be up in a few hours and so will they. God knows where they'll send you if you're still here in the morning." The green eyes spoke, something along the lines of worry seeping through his lips. I was beyond lost, both mentally and physically. What did he mean by all of this? Am I going to be alone in the world now? Were they going to send me somewhere?

Alright, I definitely need to stop pausing for questions after every urgent event that requires fast reaction. It was decided. To hell with it, how could this get any worse than my current situation.

So I stood up, as far as one can while being crammed into a monster tent with another species, and I escaped. With a nod of his head, the kind green eyes lead me to the tree, past the tents of the boss and the others, and pointed me into what I assume is the current direction.

"Th-thank you." I mumbled awkwardly, because how the fuck does one react to a (kinda nice) guy (monster?) that gives you directions on how to escape other monsters? It was all very confusing and very strange but the man smiled softly, his pink lips shining vibrant against his pale pastel skin. With that I turned and began my journey towards the highway, where hopefully, in a perfect world, Alfie and the group will somehow knowingly be waiting for me.

It then dawned on me that, shit, I didn't get this guy's name. And wait a second, why the hell am I letting him walk away, leaving me alone, whilst he goes somewhere else? Suddenly none of this made sense. If my life were a book then the author was doing a damn horrible job at making things practical for the likes of me.

I quickly spun around, opening my lips to question these unanswered thoughts but he was gone. Nothing but the slight smell of oak tree lingering in the air. Damn it.


It felt like it had been nearly an entire week. Leave it to me to screw up simple directions until I'm out in the middle of fucking nowhere. I was surrounded by pines, some seemingly hundreds of years old with lines that traveled perfectly straight combined with harsh scratchings and marks. To my left was a down flowing stream with silky water and clean rocks rubbed raw of any algae or scum. I had been following it upwards, hoping to find higher ground of some sorts at a pathetic attempt to find out exactly where the hell I was ( I should've payed more attention to the hunger games movies) My stomach grumbled in agitation as I pushed my frail body onward up the steep slope. I hadn't eaten a proper meal in days and although I was used to the malnutrition, bits of nuts and supposedly not poisonous berries (like anyone actually knows how to decipher bad berries) were the only 'food' I had been blessed with.

Although I'd say I was fairly lucky to have a steady stream of a clear water source next to me, my legs felt weak and brittle and the only thought that kept me going was the thought of alfie, caspar, or someone being at the end of this stream. A human, that's all I wanted in this very moment. Not sexually harassing packs of monsters or creatures who give supposedly faulty directions.

Feeling the peak of my exhaustion, I flopped ungracefully to the ground, resting my back against the clean trunk of pine. And then I heard it, the sound of boots on leaves and the click of a gun.

"Don't fucking move."

And for Christ sake, can't a guy get a break?


A/N Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this somewhat humorous chapter, can you guess who the new character is....? ;)

Okay but can I publicly shame myself for my terrible puns, 'oak tree' oakley heh

And not to mention the times I broke the third wall cx

Oh how professional I am ( ◠‿◠ )

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Twitter: @/oakleyftptx


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