Chapter 2

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Troyes POV:

(While reading this please realize most of this happens within the span of a few minutes. The imagery and Troyes thought process makes it seem a lot longer)

They were magnificent. Something so strangely unique it captivated your full attentiveness. The way their pupil would change ever so slightly in focus and how the shades of green would alter and change into full color selections of the ripest green you'd ever see. To see them this close was somthing of such utter rareness. Those who did most likely never lived to tell or dared to speak a word of such an unexplainable moment. It was during split seconds like these that you question every bad thought put into your head about these creatures. You hear about their sharp cornered teeth and their hairless pastel skin. But do you hear about the plain breathtaking subject that is their eyes? How every single one is like it's own catagoralized material and each set tells a story.

The green eyes weren't that different from humans. They (usually) had bigger bodies, plumper at the bottom and thinner at the top giving them unnatural curves that would either fascinate you or repel you. The cheekbones on these creatures were always beautifully prominate, mimicking the slide of a blade as they chiseled through their cheeks. I couldn't explain to you the looks of their hands, but stories have been told that they have eerily long fingers with sharp points at the end. Though stories have also told that life has a happy ending, so the accuracy of these so called "personal accounts" may be more than a little inaccurate. Just as fast as they could collect your attentiveness they could return it, having speed unknown to the human soul.

Where did they come from? Were they all dangerous? Why do I feel bad for them?

The time to contemplate these questions was not available as I broke out of my thoughts when a familiar voice was heard.

"Shit, Troye. Come on! Hurry!" The voice of Alfie rang through the air making my senses return from the ice cold silence my mind had tricked me with. The green eyes I saw wasn't the only one present apparently. Surrounding me was a group of 4 male green eyes, each with a certain coldness to their faded complexions. I surveyed each of them only to find that the previous green eyes I saw was in fact, not with them. They looked brutally assertive and not at all friendly. Being cursed with slow reflexes it took me time to realize my current situation.

I was still standing in the same spot near the abandoned building and as this realization dawned on me my friend's voices and presence drifted farther and farther away. Then it struck me. Maybe I should fucking move.

It was then my ripped converse clad feet lept to begin an urgent sprint when something grabbed my arm and pulled me behind. I turned my head to view my restraint, attempting to pull free but only managing to flail my thin limbs helplessly. I quickly jerked my head to the right, noticing the faint figures of Alfie and the group far away. I could see his face lit with horror and regret as Will forcefully pulled him farther and farther away from me. Then it dawned on me that they are going some place I'm not, therefore, I'm alone.

Well not entirely.

"Hah, look at this little treat. Would be a pity if something would happen to that pretty little body of yours." A foreign voice rasped, his harsh tones cutting through me with an uncanny ring. It was then that I turned to the pack noticing that, shit, they were looking at me and shit, this guy had to be at least 6ft tall and shit, this isn't a guy at all. It's a green eyes.

My body trembled as my mind went completely barren. What do I do? Fuck, where's Alfie. I can't be alone with these...these creatures!

Taking a closer look at them, my eyes began to shine in terror. The man gripped me with a ferocity and anger previously unknown to me. He had long boney fingers and pointed nails that appeared sharp as the bones of his cheeks, and the bulk of his arms could triple the size of mine. I stared in terror. Do I try to talk to them? Will they listen?

Green Eyes (Troyler AU-Short)Where stories live. Discover now