Chapter 4

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When I was younger my mother always told me to be careful what I wished for. And fuck, maybe I should have listened.

Because when I asked for "any human" I didn't realize that humans with guns and sharp eyes and scary but mildly attractive tattoos would be thrown into the pot of candidates.

The man that stood before me was tall, he had hair that spiked a bit to the side, in a messy but endearing way, and had thick brows furrowed in concentration that definitely meant business. My mouth gaped a bit in shock, this guy was fit as fuck and if he didn't have a look in his eyes that said, "I'm going to kill you" this could have possibly been an ideal situation.

"Who are you?" He asked bitterly, the gun finding a nice place amongst my temple as I quietly shit my pants.

"U-uh um what?" I replied eloquently. I couldn't tell what was more intimidating, the fact that there was a gun to my head or the fact that there was a hunky mans crotch six inches from my face. Surprisingly with the week I've had, I wouldn't say this is the worst situation I've been in.

"Don't play stupid with me bitch, I asked for your name." The man replied, scowling down at me. Okay, maybe this was the time to actually learn to speak.

"It's u-uh T-Troye." I stuttered, trying to at least keep an ounce of composure and failing pretty miserably.

"Who sent you?" He spat, crouching down to my level and removing the gun from my head to the front of my face, a few inches away. Okay, okay, this is progress. At least a weapon isn't physically touching me anymore. I looked up a tad and noticed the mans eyes. They were a breathtaking shade of abnormal hues, blue mixed with teal with specs of almond towards the center. They were beautiful really, he was beautiful. The only thing keeping me from overly fonding was the fact that he had a dangerous weapon pointed at my face and eyes that meant business. Wait what was the question again? Shit, maybe I should learn to do the thing with your ears where you actually pick out sound and comprehend it.

"I-I'm sorry u-um what did you s-say?" I replied nervously, trying to give off a non-threatening vibe as the man continued to scowl.

"Who sent you? How did you find me? If you don't answer me I will have to kill you." And okay that escalated pretty damn quickly. I swear if I could win any award in life it would be the, "I never know what the living fuck is going on but I'm always in trouble" achievement as I feel I greatly deserve it.

"N-nobody sent me. I'm, uh, lost." I sputtered shakily. His eyes still felt threatened and unsure so I continued.

"I was kidnapped by green eyes and I ran away and now I honestly don't know where I am. I-I swear." I cringed at the desperation that seeped off of my tongue but in my defense, I wasn't particularly in the mood to receive a fatal wound today.

He looked at me hesitantly, eyes meeting mine in an unsure glance before his eyes crinkled as a smirk played upon his lips. He lowered the gun, giving me a stern "I will kill you if you run," look. I would be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind.

"Take off your shirt." He spat. And wait what? Are you fucking joking? Was I really that fucking attractive that every human wanted to devour me against my will?

"W-what?" I said panicked, because I wasn't a fucking sex toy and I didn't plan on being treated like one. Again.

"Don't get the wrong idea Troye, I'm checking you for a tracker. You want me to know you're not an enemy, don't you?" Yeah, I guess I agree with what was said but honestly I didn't comprehend anything past the way he said my name. It dripped like honey off his tongue and made something inside me squirm and what? He literally was about to kill me 3 minutes ago and now I'm talking about him like some fucking high school crush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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