Chapter 1

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(A/N this will be a troyler short story. Warning: smut and gore in later chapters.
The beginning starts out rough, just keep reading! I hope you enjoy.)
Troyes POV:

Yes you could call this an apocalypse. No, this isn't a zombie story.

The world isn't filled with mindless brain eaters. They weren't zombie. They weren't human. They were just green eyes. My encounters with them were far and few between, though to say that I wasn't fearful of them would be a lie.

Some were deadly, others wit filled. But how they got here was still a mystery. Something to do with a lab and an unauthorized weaponry machine.

They really are captivating though. The way their eyes shine so brightly and their bodies flex so beautifully. To watch one from afar was a blessing, to greet one up close was a curse.

I don't know how to stop this. Hell, I don't even know how it started. Yet here I am, telling the story of two unlikely races and a scrawny boy who'd end up changing the path of our future.

If I told my past self in 8 years I'd be crouched behind an old library in L.A. waiting for the approving nod of my group leader to follow through with an attack, well I would've thought myself crazy. The reality of this though was that the world as we know it would never be the same.

Survival of the fittest. Death to those who think before they do.

There's no wifi, no electricity, and I can't remember a time when I wasn't eating something from a can. Though nobody complains because at least we have food. Some people weren't as lucky as us. Possibly my family, for example. My plane had landed hours before the chaos ensued and I'd yet to hear word from them. Explainably so, seeing as the connection on phones didn't exactly exist anymore.
I had moved on. Accepted the fact that they were mostly dead or living much like myself, weak and scarsely holding on to life. Alive but not technically living.

I had met a man named Alfie on my flight to LA before this all had happened. He was a charming young lad, though judging by the fact he talked mostly about his soon to be wife he was visiting I doubted he was interested in boys like me. Bummer.

From the sounds of it, he was completely infatuated with this young girl. He showed me a picture of the two of them grinning ear to ear after he had proposed and I was almost jealous of what he had. It may not have been some hot guy from one of my old magazines, but what they had was intangible. Love. I had yet to experience any such thing and my heart had ached for companionship. Now days, it was every man for himself. There was no place for love, only mindless shags to pass the time and to relieve unspoken tension between group members. Alfie never saw Zoe again after we had landed and the world went under. He tried desperately to find her. Days, weeks, possibly even months we searched. It all seems like a blur to me now. Like that was in a different life and it was no longer of relevence because life was about now. And how you'd survive in the now. To this day he swears he'll find her and has yet to touch another woman since the start of this. Four years. That was 4 years ago and even after seeing the cruelness and destruction of this new world he swears she is out there somewhere. He never dares take a second glance at another woman, the mere thought making him sick to his stomach and that, that is love.

We travled for almost a year together before meeting another man, around my age at the time. He was mostly skin and bones when we found him and we later learned him to be by the name of Caspar. He cracked a smile at us, even as he sat on his death bed, propped up on a rusty shopping cart, and if that wasn't strength then I don't know what is. In time we nursed him to health and he soon became part of the group. It wasn't just the three of us. We'd pick up strangers all along the way. Some kind, some not so much, but it didn't matter because they were human and who's to deny the life of their own kind?

A particularly horrific scene I recall happening no more than a month or two ago had changed how the group and I see the world. We were stalking, stealthily searching an abandoned wear house for supplies before any gangs from the north arrived when we heard a mot terrifying scream. The kind of sound that makes you cringe because nothing makes that type of noise unless they are experiencing some type of pain that no human could ever wrap their minds around. As we cautiously approached the loudning sound the picture came into clear view. It was a human and a green eyes, one dead and one alive. The human sat upon the pale limbs of the green eyes, graciously dripped with gore and nothing but survival instincts on it's mind. Below it, a bloodied green eyes with a stomach so torn it left nothing to the imagination. Though the cries weren't from the dead green eyes or the hysterical human. They were from the green eyes hidden behind a broken down car. It was nothing but a mere child, at least it looked so from its appearance. Though something about this scene changed me. What really set humans and green eyes apart? Who was the real enemy?

The sight eventually became to gruesome to watch and when we realized there was nothing we could do without causing our family harm, we left. Heartless as it may seem, the response of a green eye in hysterics would be no walk in the park and we were smart to evacuate the scene.

So here I was, thoughts aside, defending my people in the only way I had learned. Scavenge and protect. Though seconds before I flashed the all clear sign, something alarming caught my concentrated glance. The most beautiful thing I had laid my eyes upon since the end had occurred. Was it a human? It was gone in such a flash that there was no question, it must have been
a green eyes.

A/N Wow I'm super excited for this mini troyler fic. Let me know what you guys think and comment your thoughts while reading!
Sorry this isn't a normal update for my oneshot series but I hope you enjoy!
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t- @/sivanished

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