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A Bangel She-cat who was an expecting Queen sat in the clearing, her belly swollen as the father went out and came back with prey dangling from his jaws. The father nuzzled the Queen as she winced from the pain as she padded to the medicine den knowing the kits were arriving. A few minutes later three newborn kits we are born one she-cat and two Toms as they whimpered by being picked up and put in the nursery. On their way to the nursery an eagle call came from above as them the cats stopped in their tracks, they tried to run but the eagle grabbed one of toms out of the queen's jaws as she yowled in fear the kit yowled for help in the distance by being eaten alive by the eagle. As they were finally in the nursery they began to drift to sleep as a fox crept into the camp stealing one of the kits and suffocating it as blood splattered onto the ground as the fox threw the body into the water and ran away licking the blood of his muzzle. The mother woke up hearing noises and crying seeing her kit dead as Hornet' Kit was safely secured under the hawthorn of the nursery as it began to rain the bushes then covered the nursery as the Bengal queen began sobbing that her two kits died and the only one left was Hornet' Kit. The Bengal She cat counted on Hornet' Kit as much as she could so her only kit could stay alive. Few moons later Hornet' Kit was three moons old, and her mother was killed by a monster on her way to the Moonstone and her father got killed by a bloodhound dog, so Hornet had a plan to escape camp. The plan eventually worked, and she ran into the Two-Leg barn where River' Ripple's face showed fangs and everything looking creepy. "Come here little one..." A voice that was not Rivers, a dark and mysterious voice came from deep in River's throat. "River! Stop scaring innocent kits!" Tiger' eyes hissed rolling his eyes as River' Ripple went back to his normal form. "But Tiger! I am Starving!" The two argued as the kit stared between the two confused. "Please River! Look she is all alone! We cannot just leave her!" Tiger' Eye mewed giving River adorable puppy eyes that he cannot resist, I mean Tiger' Eye's isn't called Tiger' Eyes for nothing. "Fine! We will have to see if we will keep her... I don't know if we can keep her, but we'll see..." River hissed going back into the barn. "I'm so sorry for your troubles little one... I am Tiger' eyes... do you have any parents?" Tiger asked as the Bengal She- Kit shook her head terrified, yet she had no one else to turn to so might as well find new parents if they're already dead. "Don't worry little one... you'll be just safe with us... and I'll make sure River stays in check... we'll adopt you little one!" Tiger chuckled picking up the kit and bringing her to the barn to be adopted.

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