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A few moons later and everything changed. Beetle' Jaw was born into Death' Clan but never knew that her parents we are evil. Wasp' Tail always knew about it but only stayed in Death' Clan well for one because of his mate Heather' Fang and 2 because if he left Hornet' Sting would be furious and try to hunt him down. Beetle' Jaw, Bark' Leap Wasp' Tail, and Hornet' Sting were all traveling to the Moon-Stone to try to destroy it but of course Adder' Fur did not know that. "Beetle' Jaw may I speak to you alone?" Wasp' Tail mewed fear in his eyes. Beetle nodded as the two went to a private place nobody knew about except for Wasp' Tail. "I must warn you about Hornet' Sting... your mother, she has gone evil... we are going to the Moon-Stone to try to destroy it! You must believe me please!" Wasp insisted. "I won't believe you unless I see it for myself!" Beetle' Jaw mewed. The four cats went to the Moon-Stone as Hornet' Sting stepped forward lightly her eyes turning to slits as fierce winds came from inside as Hornet began saying a spell. yet it did not work, and Hornet's parents appeared in Star-Clan form. "You cannot destroy us! I thought you loved us!" The Star-Clan ghosts hissed before disappearing and being sucked back into the Moon-Stone. Hornet gasped not believing what she had saw as Beetle' Jaw hissed her life had been a whole lie. "MOTHER! YOU TOLD ME THAT THIS CLAN WASN'T FOR THE EVIL! YOU LIED TO ME MY ENTIRE LIFE! HOW COULD YOU!" She roared up with fury as Wasp and Beetle ran away as Wasp ran to Heather 'Fang but Beetle just kept running and did not look back with tears forming in her eyes. She ran into a wise tall brown Tom that turned his gaze as he hissed but then stopped, realizing it was not what he thought it was. "Hello!" She mewed sounding friendly. For Beetle' Jaw it was like love at first sight, yet the tall brown Tom shook his head confused. "Hey... why did you hiss at me?" Beetle mewed confused. The Tom shook his head. "It's pretty personal." The tom chuckled nervously. "That is ok! I am Beetle' Jaw by the way..." Beetle paused as tears began traveling down her cheeks. "Hey are you ok?" The brown Tom asked. "Yeah... it's just... about my mother... she told me that the clan I've been in almost my entire life wasn't an evil clan when I was little and still told me the same thing when I grew up, but I found out that it was evil, and my mom was trying to destroy the Moon-Stone!" She mewed shaking his head. "Oof that is hard. I am Coffee' Breeze by the way..." Coffee' Breeze mewed. For about an hour the two talked for a bit and it felt they knew each other since... forever! The two we are inseparable, and days passed by and Beetle' Jaw and Coffee' Breeze always stayed at the same place getting to know each other better each day and even...falling in love. They went to a safe place surrounded by trees and bushes with a giant frozen lake in the middle since it was leaf-bare the place was full of snow and ice. Coffee' Breeze began sliding on the frozen lake playing around as Beetle stayed back smiling at his playfulness. But before Beetle began stepping on the ice to join him Coffee set a paw down on the ice as the ice began to crack as he took one last little step and the ice smashed right underneath him as he fell in the water Beetle' Jaw freaked out screaming Coffee's name jumping in the cold ice water to save him Coffee kept sinking as he was running out of breath faster and faster as Beetle' Jaw was so close to reaching his paw just a claw flex away before a mysterious cat jumped in but Beetle thought it was a shadow since he was being pulled in by his brother Dragon' Paw who was watching him and Coffee from afar to warn him about Hornet' Sting because he knew right after Beetle' Jaw found out. "Dragon' Paw?" Beetle mewed confused before Coffee was dragged out from the ice-cold water as Dragon' Paw and Beetle' Jaw looked at who saved Coffee' Breeze it was a Mysterious Black and White She-cat that saved him as she ran away as quickly as she arrived. Beetle' Jaw was concerned for her crush laid in his paws thinking he drowned but Coffee stood up a bit coughing out water and blood loosing breath as Dragon' Paw ran to find juniper berries as he found them as quickly as he could he gave him the juniper berries as he held his breath to chew the berries and then kept coughing out blood since water was filling his lungs Dragon' Paw got Yarrow to make him vomit up and got moss and cobweb to help the bleeding. Eventually he stopped after being healed with a few herbs he smiled looking up at Beetle' Jaw gently touching her nose with his own a Beetle gasped but touched back smiling as Coffee laid there coughing a bit before getting up and limping to get to a safe place to rest with Beetle' Jaw. But Before Dragon' Paw left he spotted a mysterious looking savannah medicine cat tom with scars and chains along his neck looking at Dragon' Paw before he left stunned as he stood looking frozen like a statue. 

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