The New Beginning

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~3 moons later~ (moons as in months) The two cats and they're apprentice emerged out from the vines and bushes Hornet' Kit was 6 moons old and was being led to a camp by her adoptive parents River' Ripple, and Tiger' Eyes, "Dad where are we going?!" Hornet hissed annoyed by how much running she had to do. "Almost there little one just a little further..." River' Ripple mewed softly. As they arrived at a mysterious camp a gray calm, She-cat sat on the rock calling a meeting as all the cats from their dens emerged from every corner. They're being so many cats in the camp. "Woah... there's so many cats..." Hornet mewed. "It's ok... you'll make lots of friends here!" River mewed as Wasp ran up to Hornet pinning her to the ground playfully then rolling off her. 'GAH! Wasp!" She mewed annoyed. "At-least I'm your friend!" Wasp smiled laughing. "I can't go with you guys but have fun training with whoever your trainer is!" River mewed purring as Tiger and River nuzzled Hornet a goodbye as they padded off. "I'm glad River and Tiger care for you as much as your parents do... since. they're in Star' Clan... They would be proud of how much you've grown in 4 moons..." Wasp added as Hornet, nodded, they purred padding to the camp "CLAN DISSMISSED!" The gray she cats she mewed before Swampy whispered something in the grey she cat's ear. "Ah you must be Hornet and Wasp, Welcome to the Moon Pack, come along I will assign your mentors and they will show you around... I am Calming.' Winds by the way..." Calming' Winds mewed padding up the rock as Hornet' Paw and Wasp' Paw sat, next to each other waiting for the leader to call the meeting. "May all those old enough who can travel, to the Moon' Stone gathers below the tall rock for a clan meeting!" She called out everyone emerged from their dens and sat in the clearing confused and concerned mortals are in the camp. "These too Mortals... known as Wasp' Paw and Hornet' Paw have come from there Two-Leg barn... the adoptive parents of Hornet which are River' Ripple and Tiger' Eyes... Wasp' Paw's parents abandoned him, so he learned the ways of a loner and traveled with Hornet through her troubles." Calming' Winds spoke her words were wise but before she could continue a voice called out sounding like Lost' Life's, "WE CAN'T HAVE MORTALS IN OUR CAMP!" He yowled, his eyes burning with fury, his back fur standing on edge. "Now now, just because there's a mortal in the camp doesn't mean we have to fight Lost' Life remember Sharp' Fur and his fury for mortals... we do not do that anymore!" Calming mewed trying to stay calm Lost' Life sighed his fur laid flat as he tried to stay calm dipping his head. "Hornet, and Wasp, please step forward..." Calming mewed sighing as Lost' Life hissed from under his breath as the two apprentices stepped forward River' Ripple and Tiger' Eyes watched from above the trees. "Sun' Set step forward," Calming spoke as her gaze softened as the Medicine cat stepped forward. "Sun' Set you will pass down all that you know to Hornet' Paw, all that you learned from Gallfly...?" Calming meowed before waiting for a response. "Of course, I will, I will serve this clan till I day I perish" Sun' Set mewed as Calming nodded turning to Hornet' Paw. "And Hornet' Paw... will you take on the responsibilities and respect your mentor Sun' Set even if it costs your last breath of life?" Calming mewed. "...I will serve this clan till the Day I perish..." Hornet mewed bit of hesitation and her voice was vague, very hard to pin down her emotion. "Very well... Hornet' Paw you will be known as the medicine apprentice of Sun' Set..." She mewed before they walked off in the clearing as Hornet sat next to Wasp to comfort him wrapping her tail around him. "Wasp' Paw please step forward." Calming spoke her voice was full of calmness and respectfulness like always as her gaze softened at the young apprentice. "Aspen' Branch... please step forward..." Calming spoke her voice was calm yet vague and hard to pin down some her of emotions, which is usually most of the time. The gray fluffy Tom stepped forward with pride gleaming in his eyes finally having another apprentice after his old one died a couple moons ago and went to Star Clan. "Aspen' Branch... You have had an apprentice in the past before, yet it died sadly... at the age of 10 moons so young yet so close... they went to Star.' Clan never to be seen again" Calming spoke before pausing and speaking again. "Yet after grieving for so long of your first apprentice you have showed maturity and I believe you are ready for another apprentice. Aspen' Branch you will be known as the mentor of Wasp' Paw... I hope you pass down all the information you know onto Wasp' Paw..." Calming' Winds mewed. "Clan Dismissed!" She called everyone proceeded to their duties. Wasp stopped and talked to his best friend/crush. "Hey... I know you'll do great in your training... I can already tell your destined to be a medicine cat well I... I don't know what I'm destined to be..." He chuckled awkwardly. "Your destined to be a warrior... one of the best warriors.... I know you'll do great..." Hornet mewed smiling. "Hornet' Paw Training!" Sun' Set called through the medicine den walls. "I must go but you will do great I just know it... See you later!" She mewed bounding away as Wasp smiled blushing as he bounded to his mentor for training.

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