The bad idea

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A few moons later and everything changed. Hornet was feeling more pain in her stomach and had to stop more often for bathroom breaks. The only thing that she could think of was new kits. She gasped at what might be causing it, but she thought it was too good to be true but then realized what else could It be? She knew she had to leave she knew Breeze' Clan would accept her, and she could just make up a lie for being kicked out of her clan. She slipped into her den to her apprentice fixing the herb stock. "Hey Leopard... uh I know this sounds weird but I'm going to take you to the Moon-Stone early tomorrow... I know it sounds weird but just trust me and don't question it ok?" She mewed hoping her apprentice would understand. "Ok! You can take the day off I can handle the sick cats for today!" Leopard mewed insisting. "Ok. thanks... I'll be at the gorge if you need me." Hornet mewed padding off to the bridge to see Bark' Leap. The small Tom jumped down excitedly to see his mate Hornet already knowing she was expecting as he nuzzled her swollen belly of kits they would arrive soon. "Bark' Leap... Can you ask your clan if I can join tomorrow? I don't want to be kicked out from my clan... and I'm taking Leopard' Paw to the Moon-Stone early tomorrow. And... If they don't accept me, I don't know who will..." Hornet sighed hoping they would accept her. "Of course, you can count on me! I must go... terribly sorry... see you later!" Bark' Leap purred nuzzling her belly and sprinting off. The next day Hornet awoke in her den and Leopard' Paw waited at the entrance of the medicine den as Hornet gave herself and Leopard herbs for the journey. She consumed the herbs without reaction despite its foul-taste. As they padded off, the trail to the moonstone just barely making it to the other side of the thunder-path almost getting ran over by a monster, yet they made it over safely and encountered the Moon-Stone as the bright light shone brightly as they both squinted at the bright light. They both touched their noses to the bright stone. Star-Clan visited them as they granted Leopard' Paw the new medicine cat of Moon' Clan. As they awoke from the Moon-Stone Hornet and Leopard touched their noses. As they backed away Hornet began speaking. "You are granted new medicine cat of Moon' Clan and from this day forward be known as Leopard' Prowl" She mewed as Leopard nodded in approvement. Moons later the kits we're finally born as Calming found out by Swampy who knew that Hornet was the mother since Hornet lied and said the mother was Bow' Leaf. The kits were two Toms and a She-Cat, Dragon' Kit, Chirp' Kit, and Beetle' Kit. Beetle' Kit, being the oldest, was also the quietest and more respectful then her brothers. Calming, finding out the news jumped on the rock for the exiling of Hornet. "May all those old enough to travel to the Moon' Stone gathers below the high rock for a clan meeting!" She called out the winds were harder than before. "Our old medicine cat Hornet' Sting has brought Leopard' Paw to the Moon' Stone so he can take her place, his new name is now Leopard' Prowl... Despite that she brought him early because she was expecting kits... and thankfully for her she's broken two warrior codes the father is the faithful Bark' Leap from Breeze' Clan... From this day forward Hornet will be exiled from Moon' Clan and will never return... Yowl with me if you agree!" Calming' Winds hissed as Hornet stood up angrily baring her sharp fangs and crouching getting ready to pounce. Everyone began yowling except for Wasp' Tail knowing she didn't deserve this. "I didn't know this would happen! I didn't mean to! Bark' Leap made me! Its not my fault please you must understand!" Hornet roared with fury tears falling down her face as Calming shook her head not wanting to waste time as Wasp guided Hornet to Bark' Leap safely and went back for his clan to say something. "If she's being exiled then so am I! I'm not leaving her!" Wasp hissed grabbing the kits and sprinting away to Bark' Leap and Hornet. "Bark' Leap!" Hornet mewed letting out a sigh of relief, before she smelt Bark as he smelt like a rouge in the barn. "We're you exiled too?" She asked. "Yup... they found out... that dang Raven' Foot!" Bark replied. "I have an idea..." Hornet mewed a mischievous look came across her face.

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