C H A P T E R 8

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Alganier walk up to Yumi who was sitting under the tree. The same place they sat, when their two classmate approached them. The tree almost become their hang out spot. "Yumi," he call to get her attention. When she look up, her eyes immediately crinkle, patting the spot beside her. Alganier took a sit beside her and hand her a candy. That Heather gave him.

"Thank you." She gladly take it, and smile. Her eyes focus somewhere else. She glance at Alganier, and meet his eyes that were already looking at her. She was taken a back, but keep her composure. "You always have this with you." She told him, referring to the candy.

Alganier nodded and laugh lowly. "Yeah, Heather don't miss a day. She said, I'm always anxious, so I needed it." He look up. "Which I think is right." They fell silent, sitting comfortably. Within those days they were all together. Both of them found comfort from each other's company. Even there's only silence, it's always comfortable for them. It wasn't necessary to speak. Their presence itself is enough, to assure the other they're not alone.

"Look at her, being all jealous." Kenley teased Madison. Clarice giggle, as she watch her send him death glare.

"He's right though..." Micheal who also received a glare, closed his mouth shut, Jerald laugh at it, giving Micheal a hug. They were standing meters away from the two. "It's okay Maddie, you can share it to us."

"You know, we're friends. So no secret to keep." Jeffrey added. As usual, he's smiling like he has nothing to worry about. Madison didn't reply, but the evident frown on her face, and a small pout is enough, to answer them. Clarice put her arm across Maddie's shoulder, smiling widely. One thing they observe about her, she's cheery and very smiley person.

"He might be scared of me." Maddie sadly mumble under her breath. She look at them, sighing. "They look good together. I think it's better this way. " She look down feeling her heart sink at the sight of them, laughing. Jeffrey chuckle, patting her head. It made Maddie close her eyes, relief wash over her, as a giggle escape her lips. "You're good at that, Jeffrey. And thank you for the candy Heather." Heather wave her hand, and shake her head. She's smiling shyly, telling her it's nothing.

Then Jeffrey put his arm on Heather's shoulder, making her heart flip. She bit her lip, looking down. "Our role here, is to bring comfort to everyone." Jeffrey proudly stated, as he side hug Heather. Kenley snort, giving Heather a knowing look. He whistle, as he jump next to Raymark, wiggling his eyebrows. Raymark shook his head, pushing Kenley's head gently. But Kenley only tighten his grip on Raymark's arm.

"Let's go to them!" Clarice announced, dragging Madison with her. The rest followed as they laugh at their own silliness, Jerald throwing dry leaves at their hair. "Hello!" Alganier and Yumi looked up, and saw them smiling widely at them. They sat in circle form, and start chatting.

"You guys seems to be in deep conversation." Jerald arched his eyebrow, eyeing the two, who laugh at him.

"I was worried, because Yumi's been down lately, so I decided to check up on her." Yumi agreed, a small smile came across her face as she glance at each of them. Her heart blossom at the thought of having them as her friends. They are so nice to her, and always treat her well. "I went to check on you too, Maddie. But you were sleeping. I hope you're doing good now." Maddie's gaze soften, as she nodded to him.

"I am, thank you. And maybe, I can explain why I acted like that." She look down at her lap, playing with her fingers. Ashamed to how she acted the day before. As she's about to speak, a shadow appear in front of them from their back. They look at the owner of the shadow, and found Jiro, looking down at them.

"Am I welcome to sit along?"

Clarice who was starstruck at Jiro, push Micheal who was beside her, patting her side. "Sure! Here!" Micheal give her a look of disbelief, with gape mouth. The others who saw it, can't help but laugh, especially Jerald who's loudly laughing.

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