C H A P T E R 9

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All students are called in gymnasium, and everyone anticipate on what's going to be the school president's agenda with them. They waited while in line, as per instructions of their teachers. No one is allowed to speak. The place should be silent, the moment they enter and leave. Even though some of them, we won't say it's Jerald and Joanna, are itching to speak. They have no choice but to remain silent, and keep their words with them.

"No one will speak, the moment you enter the gymnasium, keep silent. Whatever comes out from the mouth of president. Do not, answer." As what they told them.

Alganier's eyes travel around the gym, confused. "Things changed, and the place .. something is new here." He thought, as he tried to remember the look of gym before. He look ahead of him. On the stage there's a slogan, saying, "Everyone is gathered in one place: buried under the tree." He was more confused than before. Shaking his head to brush off the thought, Alganier look at the door that fling open, revealing the president.

When the president stood at the front. Unlike before, when she looked intimidating, now she's standing with all her glory, while plastering a smile to them. A friendly smile. Without any greetings, she went straight to the point. "I'll be honest here, this isn't the thing I expected it to be." She paused. Her eyes wander around the gymnasium, meeting the curious ones of the students. She relaxed. "This is more exciting than I thought." She told them in amused tone. "And since you guys, seems to like showing off your gifts at a random times, let's give it a use. Shall we?"

Silence. That was all she heard. And it made her smile. Little did they know, the next thing she'll say, will change their lives. "Do you want to live a normal life? Enter a university, where you can be like any other normal students, like you're one of them? Take your desired course and work on your dream job?" No one answered. However, their eyes show it all. It was written on their faces. It causes sparkle in their dreamy eyes. They all liked it. They love the idea of living a normal life. "Then we'll give it to you, in simple way." She smiled widely. "All you have to do, is bring me a piece of puzzle." Her head move a little, as she furrowed her eyebrows. "But... I was sad to inform you, that only 20 people can have it."

The uncertainty on their eyes, made her feel enthusiast. "It was actually only for those who manage to enter the top 10, but to give it with more consideration. We've decided to add ten more." She clasps her hands, giving them a pleased look. "Once you're on the rank, you have nothing to worry anymore. But if you're not.. don't worry too much, because you can still, steal the spot anytime you want. All you have to do is, think outside the box. Then boom." She made an exploding gesture. Tapping her index finger on her head. "You've just secured your key, to get out of here. And, if you still wasn't able to secure the spot. It's okay. You have two months to find those missing puzzles that you have to bring to me."

She breathed out. "Bring it to me and your good to go. Remember, if you're able to keep your spot on the top, by the time. You can go out and enjoy your life to the fullest, without worrying about the puzzle. And for those hopeless to top, do your best." Suddenly her eyes twinkle, as a smile spread across her face. "You are all allowed to use your gifts, and no curfew. Do whatever you want, however, don't miss your class." With that, she turn her back from them, smirking as she made her way out. "Now, who got the last card." She muttered, leaving the gymnasium with the feeling of victory.

Jerald groan, scratching his head. "They didn't even tell us, what puzzle it is." He rant out of frustration. "And didn't give us a single clue. Are we gonna dig the whole school, to find that puzzle?" Jeffrey pat his shoulder, and with that simple gesture, Jerald's muscle relax as he inhale.

"Dig..." Alganier repeated, tilting his head a little bit. His eyebrows furrowed, as he squint his eyes. He keeps repeating the word, until they were in their class. As he step inside, a sudden wave of pain hit his head again, making him stop walking. He yelp, as the pain feels like his head is tearing apart. He felt hands on his shoulders, and concern words thrown at him, but his sight is too hazy. He look around. It's blurry but he's sure, it wasn't like what he saw before he enter. The room is dark, chairs and tables are stumbled on the floor, and there's a mirror near the window, which they surely don't have. His head snapped at the far corner as he heard a noise.

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