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Two more nights, and the most awaited moments will come to an end. Within those duration of time, where everyone work hard to find the pieces, to get on the top. Some already quit, gave up, leaving the work to those who's aiming too hard to get out of the place. Some even lose their lives for nothing, take lives for nothing.

It was such a chaos, everytime the nightfall strike. Silent terror attacking them. Keeping their eyes open anywhere they are, to keep them alive. Some of the students rushing in and out of the rooms, with nothing in their hands. Eventually, half of them have accepted their fate, if they are meant to stay there forever, then let it be. They know, it was only excused to send them there for study. They all know, people who are sent there never got out. It was as if they vanished. Or never existed at the first place. Those poor soul who has vision, are even worse comparing to those who has normal gift.

They were executed even they did nothing. And it was all because of their possible threats against the world. Many people who was given a child with are even more sad, than those who can't bare any. It was believe they bring misfortune, and only few who's lucky to be born in a family, who accepts them for who they are. Who love them unconditionally. But out of child's knowledge, they're being observe until they were on highschool by the government.

And their parents, wether they like it or not, are force to send them away. "Send them to the university, or see them get killed in front of your two naked eyes." They said, as if the life of a child is some game for them. Leaving those parents who grow to love and accept their children, with no choice but to send them away.

Not knowing of what future they may face, if they were even lucky enough to have a future to face. What if they were too unlucky, to even survive a day, once they are out of their houses. That they consider home no matter how unwelcome it is to them.

"Loraine!" Jonathan called in the silence dark night, that loom above them. The cold breeze making them shiver as they wait for the latter to reach them. His expressionless look, made Loraine anxious as she swallow the lump on her throat. She waited patiently. And tears glimmer on the corner of his eyes. She kneeled down. Hands on his thighs. "Forgive me, for I was the reason Jim died." He admitted, the pooling tears on his eyes made his sight blurry, as he looked up to the shock face of Loraine.

"What do you mean?" The denial on her voice, made Jonathan clench his hands as he looked down, ashamed.

"The day he was sent to black door," he started, sniffing. "I think.. I messed up his head, I told him to just ... I—on his head, I said 'just burn' but not exactly for him. It was for those guys." He sob choking. The neverending flow of tears made it hard for him to breath. And now Loraine is doing the same as him. She shook her head, running away. "I'm sorry..."

"That won't return the life of your friend, or take the pain of the grieving ones." Jiro stated, before motioning the others to leave. The cold wind caressing their faces, as they made it to the last class building. Jiro opened the door, and the first thing they saw, was themselves at the mirror, across them.

Alganier's eyes widen in horror as he remember the exact mirror, stick to the wall beside the window. The time seem to stop as he stare at their back in pure fear. The cold wind travel to his body, giving goosebumps all the way up. "We'll try to search on the other rooms." Jeffrey informed as he brought Heather with him, and the other two; Raymark and Kenley followed them.

Alganier enter, feeling his blood run cold. "I got it." Jiro announced, showing them the piece happily.

"Watch out!" Clarice yelled at him, but was too late. The corridor hit his back, accidentally throwing the piece. It went in the front as Jiro, whimper on the ground, and went unconscious. Clarice run to him with no hesitation, only to flew back, and hit her back on the wall. Maddie who was quick, pick up the piece, opening her hand, a dark circle appear, tossing it inside, vanishing into the darkness, where she hid the rest.

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