Part 15

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Flashback Yn at 7 years old: 

"Mom, are there monsters?" For a moment, the mother looked at her daughter, dumbfounded, before she smiled gently at the girl and stroked her hair. "Yn dear, there aren't any, so don't worry, you're safe with us." The girl nodded and went back to her game. In the evening, her father read a story, as he often did, but they were interrupted by a surprising visitor outside the door. A man stood next to her mother, while the little girl half hid behind her father.

"So you're little Yn." The man stated as he knelt down to her.
"Yes and you?" Timidly he smiled at her.
"I'm Kaien Kurosou."
"Kaien, is there still trouble with the population?" Yn looked at her father confused, while the man probably knew what was meant and appeared a little sad before he nodded.
"And how is the Kim boy?" now asked the mother of little Yn.
"Yn go back to your room and get everything ready when it starts snowing and the magic starts."

This made little Yn smile and she immediately disappeared. Snow was a beautiful thing and for her it was like magic. Every year she looked forward to it when it started to snow. When she was done, she returned to ask if her father would read the story further, but she overheard the conversation and hid in the hallway.
"He's the last of the Kim family," said Mr. Kurosou.
"But..." Her father got stuck because he was interrupted.
"No buts. It will not always be safe for you because you know far too much about it. It will not go unnoticed and everyone should prepare. I'm sorry you're in danger now." Her parents exchanged worried looks.

"We know that, that's why we pay a lot of attention to our daughter." Her mother replied confidently, but it was only a brief glimpse of this self-confidence.
"But when HE comes, it will be difficult to keep pretending." HE?
"Yes, that's why we hope for the help of the association." Which association and which help?
"The association will probably keep out of it." Mr. Kurosou answered depressed.
"Yn will be in danger, then?" The words made her perceptive and thoughtful. What danger?
"He wants her."
Too shocked and startled by this conversation, she rushed back to her room and waited patiently. A little later her father returned to his daughter and continued reading where they left off. The evening passed quietly and before she knew it it was snowing a few days later.

"An idyllic childhood..."

Snow glittered from above like small twinkling stars slowly falling down to earth and that made it so magical for Yn. Her parents did a lot with her at this time of year and enjoyed themselves with her. But the conversation stuck in the little one and didn't disappear from her head. Actually, a child shouldn't even think about something like that and just play, but she couldn't quite do that.

"But she wasn't harmless..."

A year later things changed. Her parents got weird, behaved differently and were less happy with her than usual. The feeling of being watched spread through her and she kept seeing that one man close to her. It was scary. He always gave her a pleasant look, as if he already knew her and was enjoying the reunion.
Yn didn't understand what that look meant and what this man wanted from her. When she told her parents, they didn't take the little girl seriously. From then on, however, it seemed like they took more care of their daughter so that she didn't get hurt or anything. From that year I learned a lot, she wanted to relieve her parents of their worries so that she could help herself if something happened. At the age of 8 she became more and more thirsty for knowledge.

"And it got worse."

One day Yn came from the school that was near her home. When she got there, she felt far behind her something strange. Her mother helped her with her homework, her father cooked and Yn was confused. She didn't find confusion pleasant, because there was something frightening about it. And then came the event that shaped her path:
This man came to their house. Her parents were frightened by this powerful and dark aura because she knew what it carried. "I want to promise our trade with her." he said with a grin, looking down at her out of the corner of his eye. Her parents did nothing as he slowly walked towards them and wrapped the little girl in a sort of hug. He smelled her hair and her skin. "I'll come for you as soon as you mature at 22. I'm looking forward to seeing you again then, Yn." With these words, which gave her goosebumps, he left.

"He left a promise."

Flashback over

A past with secrets. Now she was 22 years old and remembered the promise of HIM. She sensed something was coming. For years she tried to suppress it and was no longer dismissive of her parents. But she would sacrifice herself willingly. But to this day she has not been able to find out what HE meant by his promise. Why did he want to get her? That was her life question. Her parents loved her, why would they want to give her away.

But the kiss with Jungkook made her forget everything, even if it was just for a moment. She could forget it.
She was completely amazed, no reaction came from her. She recognized within herself that she loved him, but she wasn't sure if Jungkook just did it because she was scared or shared her feelings.
She couldn't return the kiss. Based on that, he probably thought that she didn't return his feelings and broke the kiss and disappeared. He simply walked through the trees with hasty stomping steps. She was alone in her sorrow as tears ran down her cheeks and landed in the cracks of the shattered stones. Now she remembered that she was still in the forest. Again she had gotten to the problem she had before the vampire. What should she do now?

"Yn! Yn!" someone called out to her. Immediately hope arose in her. Yn looked around to see where the voice was coming from. A little later, a harried and worried Hobi came to her. She quickly wiped away the tears before he could climb up to her.
"Everything okay? What are you doing here anyway?" He helped her down.
"Long story and I don't want to talk about it if it's okay. I want to go back, I'm tired." He nodded and they headed back to Cross Academy.

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