Why and Who?

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Jimmy's POV – Sun, 5 Sept 8:00am

"I Joel Smallishbeans, take you, Elizabeth Shadowlady, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

I couldn't believe this was happening. My heart sank even lower when Lizzie repeated the same words. "I now proclaim you both husband and wife; you may now kiss the bride". May 11th.... the dreadful day when my sister was really gone with a kiss that sealed it all.


They pulled away from each other when they saw me. "Mornin' Jimmy" Lizzie said wiping her saliva from Joel's lips like he was a child. "Good morning" he said. I completely ignored them and followed the smell of blueberry pancakes to the dining room. I had to hand it to Joel, he made really good food (even if he did get the recipes off BBC Good Food).

Sitting at the table where I noticed one of the pancake stacks (presumably Lizzie's) had blueberries arranged in a heart on top of them. I was of course, disgusted. Without waiting for either of them I dug into my pancakes. They entered the dining room a few minutes later, supposedly staying behind to finish their make out session.

"So Jimmy, you're starting at your new school tomorrow" Lizzie said in a singsong voice as she sat at the table. You know I originally thought that Joel and Lizzie getting married was the worst thing that could happen to me but no moving halfway across the country was even worse.

To be honest, they're of similar... 'badness'.

As I didn't answer, the rest of breakfast continued in silence. I finished my pancakes and for slight annoyance, I left my dirty dish in the sink. Taking a slight detour upstairs, I grabbed my phone and my coat. As I walked down the hallway towards the stairs, I stopped at an old photo of me and Lizzie. It was just the two of us.

Just the two of us...

No Joel in sight, a wide grinned 11-year-old me and a mischievous smiled Lizzie next to me, her arm wrapped protectively around me. I missed the good old days. Continuing my exit from the house, I almost walked out the front door when... "Where are you going?".

I physically cringed at the way they both said it at the exact time. "Out" I answered curtly without turning back to face them. "With who?" Lizzie asked. "None of your business" I sneered before storming out of the house.

Lauren's POV – Sun, 5 Sept 7:00pm

Hello there!!

My name's Lauren Zside Major and I'm 25 years old.

I used to work as a sound editor for the local radio and that's where I met Bobby, my handsome boyfriend. I now currently work as an administrative assistant for a big company.

My dad and mom started the divorce process hours before my youngest brother was born. (Yes, mom literally handed over the divorce papers while she was in labour (And yes dad signed immediately)).

Mom got full custody over Scott as technically she had primary care over him. She moved miles away, so I never met Scott. However I got stuck with Xornoth (the word 'stuck' makes them sound awful). They're not that bad, sure slightly annoying sometimes but their 16, I'll let it slide.

My dad married Anne two years later (Xornoth was only 3 so they had no problem warming up to her). Anne was SO much younger than Dad and that made 12 year old me sceptical of her. But don't get me wrong Anne is AMAZING!! She apparently had a whole arranged marriage thing with dad, and she didn't really love him.

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