The Drama hasn't even started yet

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Fwhip's POV – Sun, 5 Sept 10:06 am

"Molecular distortion, what's the worst that could happen?" I asked Gem sarcastically. "The fabric of reality crumbles down itself" she answered bluntly. "Well according to your notes, it may be the only way to achieve dimension travel" I said squinting slightly at Gem's over-cursive handwriting.

"Yes, but if you read any further than two lines you might have realized where I noted down the consequences" she sneered snatching her journal away from me. I blew a raspberry at her and grabbed another one of her journals. "Wasn't Sausage supposed to hang out with you?" she asked annoyed. "Well he's not here yet genius" I retorted.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "He is now" Gem said. I threw her journal aside and ran up the basement stairs. "Oi! These journals are precious!!" Gem yelled after me. I ignored her and hurried to open the door for Sausage. As soon as I opened the door, I was handed a bouquet of flowers. "Good morning my gorgeous rosa marchita".

"Thanks babe" I said taking the bouquet. "No hay problema miel" he said with a smile. I stared at him blankly wishing I understood what he just said. "I said no problem" he said knowingly. "Ooh... that makes sense actually, wanna go annoy Gem?" I asked. "Do you even need to ask?".

"Oh GeM!!" I called in a singsong voice as we went down the basement stairs. "Fvck off!" Gem spat. "Nope, should've been smart enough to lock the basement door after I left" I retaliated. "Dammit" she muttered. "How you doing Gem?" Sausage asked. "Great until you two arrived" she sneered. "Gemini Tay you are not great until we're here" he corrected.

"If you don't leave now Imma tell the entire school you guys are dating" she threatened. "You wouldn't! Not even Grian knows yet let alone the whole school". "Precisely so get out or I will". Gem always keeps her word and I didn't wanna test that. "Come on Sausage we'll annoy Gem in her 'secret laboratory' another time" I groaned. I winked at him and he winked back. "Ugh I guess we shouldn't disturb her" Sausage groaned. "Yeah let's go".

With our heads down we slowly went up the stairs. "Are you guys trying to make me feel guilty?" Gem asked. "Is it working?" I asked. "No" she answered curtly. We continued our slow ascension up the stairs. "Ugh fine you guys can stay" she groaned.

"YEAH!!". "Anyone wanna go to Pearl's later and watch every single episode of The Majors before we the third season premieres later tonight?" Sausage asked. "We probably might not be able to do that but yeah!!". "Why do I tolerate you guys?" Gem mumbled. "I don't know Gem, I don't know".

Lauren's POV – Sun, 5 Sept 7:15pm

You're back, finally!! Now where were we? Oh yeah, we probably just met our 'long lost' brother.



Xornoth for once did something helpful and turned on the lights. He and Xornoth might as well have been twins. "I like your wings" I said sheepishly. "Thanks?" he said confused. "Oh you sound nothing like I thought" I said shrinking back a bit.

"I sound gay, don't I?" he asked sarcastically. "What?! No that wasn't what I was thinking at all" I quickly defended myself. "Xornoth doesn't sound gay but they're a 100% homosexual" I added. "Oi! Shut up" they growled and threw my blanket at me.

"I'm Lauren, the best sister in the world" I introduced myself. "Xornoth, I go by they/them and Lauren is an evil psychopath" Xornoth chipped in. "Oi! I am not evil, I'm just misunderstood" I defended.

"I will defenestrate you right now" I threatened him. "Whoa that's a big word for you Lauren" Anne teased. "Shut it Anne, why are you here anyway Scott?" I asked. "Mother and I got in a car accident on the highway

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