90. Mrs tonks lupin

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A/n: I would like to thank you guys so much. And I mean, so much.

We have finally made it to 10k reads!!
And i know, without you i would be able to make it by myself.

Love you guys so, so, so much.

Please continue the journey with me, make sure to vote and comment whatever you have in mind, Even if it's a scold or a some rude comment, I'll take all of it.

And once again, thank you.


(Her outfit)

"REMUS LUPIN AND NYMPHDORA TONKS' WEDDING TAKE 3!" Ginny clap her hands. At the camera I was holding while Molly made Dora's hair.

"So, its been a month since Dumbledore died and we all needed some happy time and when they told us they were gonna married we were all like, wait really? But we're all happy for them and here we are, getting our princess ready for her wedding, say hi dora" I said recording her. She blows a kiss to the camera.

"We also have few guests, to be honest there are lots of guests. And I've already prepared my speech for them. It kinda sucks because this is like the first serious speech I've ever had. And we're also expecting two kisses today. Hermione granger and Ronald, ginevra weasley and harry potter! We also don't want any crying, so don't cry like you did at the yule ball Hermione!" Hermione slapped my head a little.

"Also we're thinking about who would catch the bouquet after Dora throws it. Imagine it's ginny, and harry wait million years to ask her out and they got 90 years old" we all laugh.

"Molly you look beautiful today, do you want to say anything?" I said recording Molly.

"Jackie dear, I'm so happy for her" she smiled. Then we heard a door knock.

"Jackie, sweetheart it's Andromeda" we heard a voice.

"Meda come in" I opened the door still recording. "How are you feeling that your daughter is getting married now?" She laughs a little.

"I feel so happy for her, she's grown up so fast, few days ago she was just little hufflepuff girl who run around with the proffesors" I laughed and look at Dora.

"Hey huffy girl, ready to put your dress on?" She smiled at me. "Alright people we don't wanna see lady Dora undress right? Bye for now" I cover the camera before shutting it

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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