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Godzilla (ShowaGoji)

Godzilla (ShowaGoji)

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Height: 50 meters

Length: 105 meters

Weight: 20,000 metric tons

Monster No. 1
Champion of Monsters
King of the Monsters
King of Monsters
Monster of Justice

{Powers and Abilities}

Vapor Breath: Godzilla fires a white radioactive mist called the incandescent light or radioactive spray from his mouth. This attack can destroy military weapons, also causes raging fires that can spread across entire city blocks, is hot enough to melt metal and cause raging fires.

Atomic Breath: Godzilla Uses launch a powerful, concentrated, neon-blue ray of pure radioactive energy from his mouth. This Atomic ray has explosive and kinetic properties and can cause massive damage, igniting and setting fires, creating massive explosions to nearly anything it hits and can completely kill all but the strongest monsters with a single shot. The ray can even be used to propel Godzilla through the air. Godzilla's atomic breath reaches a temperature in excess of 100,000 degrees Celsius.

Super Atomic Beam: After charging himself with powerful energy, Godzilla is able to unleash a much stronger, destructive, devastating beam of pure atomic energy from his mouth. This super atomic beam is exceptionally powerful, capable of creating massive explosions that rival his own size, setting large fires to nearly anything it hits, and also completely destroying some of the toughest of adversaries with a single swipe.

Flight: By firing his atomic breath directly at the ground, Godzilla can use his atomic ray as jet propulsion to actually propel himself into the air and take flight.

Intelligence: While humans often assume Godzilla is a wild brutish animal, Godzilla has demonstrated intelligence on par with, if not, exceeding human intelligence. Godzilla is able to fully communicate with other giant monsters by speaking a language of roars and grunts that only giant monsters understand. Godzilla employs strategy in battle against more powerful foes and has found and exploited scientific weaknesses in his opponents that even humans were not aware of.

Super Strength: Godzilla possesses incredible physical strength, allowing him to knock down large buildings and lift and throw opponents several times his size with ease.

Whip Tail Slide: Godzilla's tail is very long and can be used as it a whip, perfect for bashing and whipping opponents. In addition, by leaning back on his tail and supporting his own weight, allowing him to slide on it, Godzilla can slide across the ground to deliver devastating kicks to opponents.

Super Durability: Godzilla's hide is virtually indestructible and can not damaged by conventional weapons, allowing him to withstand gunfire, missiles, and even blows from other monsters with impressive resistance. Few opponents can pierce Godzilla's skin and draw blood.

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