Celestial Knight

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Full Name: Shinjiro Takahashi (Takahashi being the last name he took up after accepting Earth as his new home)Role: Leader of the Celestial KnightsHeight: 6 feet 0 inchesWeight: 175 lbs

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Full Name: Shinjiro Takahashi (Takahashi being the last name he took up after accepting Earth as his new home)
Role: Leader of the Celestial Knights
Height: 6 feet 0 inches
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair Color: Navy Blue
Eye Color: Blue (normally), Red (when in Rage mode)
Age: About 25-26
Race: Humanoid
Homeworld: Belle (originally), Earth (currently)

The Celestial Knights are a group of four individuals who have existed since before anything. They are known throughout the star systems for being brave, noble and fearsome warriors. The knights can trace their beginnings to the planet of Belle. Belle is a world that similar to Earth in just about every way. Here science, magic and technology had created a peaceful utopia. Belle was also home to the Legendary Ryu Knight. The power of the Ryu Knight has been passed down in Shinjiro's family through generations, as only they could handle the responsibility of all that power. The first Ryu Knight, one of Shinjiro's countless ancestors, decided there needed to be others and thus he created three weapons that would seek out those worthy of becoming a Celestial Knight. These weapons being: a bladed whip which grant it's user the power of the Tora Knight (Tiger Knight), a warhammer that give it's wielder the power of the Kame Knight (Turtle Knight) and finally a pair of bladed tonfas that imbue the one chosen the power of the Kyōi Knight (Phoenix Knight). He also created a weapon for the Ryu Knight, a mighty sword that would also contain some of the power of the Ryu force (the magical energy that ALL knights have). A blade forged from magic and metal that was given sentience to act as a guide for future Dragon Knights, as well as serve as a loyal companion. He named the sword Ota. Ota is kind and polite to a fault, even towards enemies. He also refers to the one who wields him "Master" as a sign of respect (something that Shinjiro tries to break him out of, but to no avail). Ota can only be wielded by the Ryu Knight, which currently is Shinjiro. This is partly due to the fact that Ota contains half of the Ryu force, but also because of a failsafe that was created with him. Ota is passed down Shinjiro's family through a familial blood contract to ensure that only those within the Ryu Knight bloodline can wield the sword.

Shinjiro himself had a life most would envy. In addition to being the Dragon Knight, he was also the Captain of the Royal Guard. Not only that, but he was also married to his childhood friend, Princess Bell, thus granting him royal status. Despite it all, Shinjiro never took his life for granted and cherished what he had, especially Bell. But then came that fateful day when it was all taken from him. On that day.... King Ghidorah arrived and began destroying all life on the planet Belle. Everything was tried to stop him. The guards, the most advanced weapons, even Princess Belle, who was undergoing her training to become a Sailor Scout, but alas nothing could stop the three-headed fiend. In the end, Princess Belle summoned all of her power, including that of her Star Seed, and launched it at Ghidorah. Unfortunately the attack didn't even phase the Chaos spawn and he finished off what was left of Belle, laughing all the while at what he wrought. Shinjiro could only watch and plead for his wife not to leave him, even as she faded away into oblivion. Bell only smiled sadly and, with tears in her eyes, reached up and caressed her husband's cheek. She said "I love you, Jiro. And I always will" and then... was gone, leaving Shinjiro and Ota the only survivors. In that moment Shinjiro swore he'd have his revenge. He would hound Ghidorah across the stars, until he finally cornered the monster and made him pay for his transgressions. Finding a starship that was still functional, Shinjiro and Ota spent the next four years scouring the universe for their quarry. Throughout their travels, they often came across the ruins of planets the hateful hydra left in his wake, this only serving to add fuel to Shinjiro's obsession of killing the monster. Then they finally caught a break and managed to project the monster's heading and head him off at the pass, at a small blue and green world in the Milky Way: Earth. Shinjiro was quick to attack his enemy and managed to prevent him from making a successful planetfall. However his ship was knocked into Earth's gravitational field, sending him and his enemy crashing down the planet below. Together alongside his new allies, and some Earth's own monsters, he fought and successfully drove King Ghidorah off world. In the end Shinjiro found a new home and family he willingly lay down his life for and decided to stay and see what the future would bring.


Kana/Tora Knight: Shinjiro sees Kana as a great warrior and a trusted friend once they begin fighting alongside each other

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Kana/Tora Knight: Shinjiro sees Kana as a great warrior and a trusted friend once they begin fighting alongside each other. He sees the young woman as like a sister and often confides in her. He knows he can always rely on Kana to be his trusted Second-in-Command.

Gin/Kame Knight: With the massive Gin, Shinjiro finds a loyal friend who he can always rely upon for wisdom and guidance

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Gin/Kame Knight: With the massive Gin, Shinjiro finds a loyal friend who he can always rely upon for wisdom and guidance. Gin is like an older brother to Shinjiro.

Kenji/Kyōi Knight: With Kenji, Shinjiro initially found him annoying beyond belief

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Kenji/Kyōi Knight: With Kenji, Shinjiro initially found him annoying beyond belief. The young man never seemed to take his role as the Phoenix Knight seriously which frustrated Shinjiro to NO end. As well as the fact Kenji in the beginning would often get himself into trouble WAY over his head. But in time, the young man has proven that he can be relied upon and with Shinjiro training him, maybe there's hope for this maverick after all

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