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King Kong

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King Kong

Height: 45 meters

Weight: 27,000 tons


- Incredible physical strength

- Thick fur and hide is surprisingly durable

- Powerful jaws and sharp canine teeth

- Primate physiology makes him flexible and surprisingly quick

- Opposable digits on his hands and feet

- Able to leap great distances and clamber up sheer surfaces with ease

- Near-human intelligence

- Able to improvise weapons from objects in his surroundings

- Can absorb man-made or natural electrical currents to revitalize himself and increase his strength, as well as release electrical surges from his hands

- No long-range attacks aside from throwing things

- Lack of armor makes him vulnerable to heavy ordinance and sharp objects

- Poor healing ability

- Poor healing ability

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Height: 50 meters

Weight: 22,000 tons

- Physical strength nearly equal to Godzilla

- Massive jaws and serrated recurve teeth

- Reinforced skull and neck for head-butting opponents

- Small but strong arms

- Hooked claws on his hands and feet

- Spike-tipped tail for stabbing opponents

- Able to rear up on his tail to deliver a devastating 'Kangaroo Kick'

- Fast and agile for his size

- Armored scales protect him from most conventional weapons

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