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1954 - Less than a decade after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USA begins testing of new hydrogen bombs across the Pacific Ocean. This woke up a monster that ravaged Tokyo, Japan. Dubbed Gojira to the Japanese and Godzilla around the world, Godzilla would leave Tokyo uninhabitable. Eventually, Serizawa sacrifices himself to destroy Godzilla with the Oxygen Destroyer.

1955 - Another Godzilla appears and fights another kaiju dubbed Anguirus. Their battle ravages Osaka. Godzilla is then cornered at an island in which the military shoot missiles at an iceberg and bury Godzilla.

1956 - A new creature appears resembling a Pteranodon, dubbed Rodan

1958 - A chemical experiment awakens a prehistoric creature called Varan which destroys a local village

1961 - An ancient deity awakens, dubbed Mothra by the fairies of Mothra

1964 - King Ghidorah arrives on Earth for the first time and rampages across Japan. He is then defeated by the combined efforts of Godzilla, Rodan, and the Mothra larva left over after a battle that very same year.

1971 - Hedorah first appears

1972 - Dr. Hell begins his conquest to conquer the world and unleashes two Mechanical Beasts to destroy Japan. That same day, Koji Kabuto would man the controls of Mazinger Z to defeat them.

• During This time Godzilla Meets Mazinger Z for the First time and fought and Gigan makes his first appearance alongside King Ghidorah.

1973 - Megalon first appears and is unleashed by the Seatopians where they attack the upper world alongside Gigan. Jet Jaguar and Godzilla would team up to take on the kaijus.

1974 - Despite Dr. Hell's death, the Mykene Empire emerges and razes several major cities.

•A creature resembling Godzilla defeats Anguirus and once confronted by the real Godzilla, it reveals itself as Mechagodzilla and defeats Godzilla in their first encounter. King Caesar awakens and confronts Mechagodzilla. It is then with the combined efforts of Godzilla and King Caesar that Mechagodzilla is destroyed.

•Tetsuya Tsurugi becomes the pilot of the Great Mazinger to defend against the Mycene Empire.

1975 - Mechagodzilla re-appears with Simeon second wave. Titanosaurs and MG fight Godzilla and King Caesar. Simeon forces largely defeated.

1982 - Seven Years later Dr. Hell, thought to have been dead, reengages his conquest of Earth. The Mazinger Infinity is discovered.

1999 - 13 Years later... Destroy All Monsters Begins.

During The D. A. M.
Godzilla in New York, USA

Anguirus in Sydney, Australia

Gorosaurus in Rome, Greece

Kumonga in Taj Mahal, India

Varan in London, England

Titanosaurus in Beijing, China

Rodan in Moscow, Russia

Manda in Tokyo, Japan

Baragon in Paris, France

Megalon & Gigan in Hong Kong, China

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