Saying Goodbye

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It was a tiresome eight trip just for the three travelers to find Rawlings standing in the middle of what looked like nowhere. All around the government agent were overgrown vines that seemed to reach out to grab him, tall, willowing weeds, and pools of rainwater that were more like marshes than puddles. Like stepping stones, Sherlock, John, and Alana maneuvered around nature’s booby-traps to get to Rawlings.

Rawlings, upon seeing them, stood up from the front porch of an abandoned cabin, and walked towards them. When he was in close enough reach to shake Sherlock’s hand, he said, “I’m sorry for the sudden change.”

With John leading him, Sherlock replied bluntly, “Nothing like last minute travel plans, Rawlings. We just love rushing and yelling at one another.”

“Well, we can put our feet up now,” Alana said gently as the three of them cramped onto the porch. A muggy wind rushed over them, reminding them of their desolation.

“Sherlock and John, in the simplest terms, you have been tracked. I don’t know if it’s by the Russians or the Americans, but you have to know they are both after you for the formula. I’ve taken you here for safe keeping. I promise you, no one will track you here, you’re under protection,” Rawlings assured.

“How much are you allowed to tell us?” Sherlock asked.

Rawlings pursed his lips and clasped his hands behind the small of his back. “Nothing, I’m afraid. I’m already risking my duty protecting you three. I’m also afraid to say that you won’t be hearing from me for awhile because people ‘at the office’ are getting a little suspicious about me. I’m sorry, but, I’ve done all I can. If there’s anything I can do—,”

“Yes!” John spoke up. “It’s about Alana.”

“What?” Alana said breathlessly as she pressed against John’s leading hand.

Finding his words and fighting back the quivering in his voice, John said slowly, “She can’t be with us anymore—not now. I don’t think it’ll be safe for her to carry on with us. She needs to be kept safe.”

Rawlings’ chest rose and then descended in contemplation. “Do you know the extreme we’d have to go to protect the Duchess of England? Do you know how much of her identity we would have to change?”

John swallowed and his hand found Alana’s. “Yes, I do. If we can, I’d like to talk to Alana for a bit. I know your time is limited.”

“Very good, you two can talk inside, I’ll speak with Sherlock.” Rawlings stepped aside for John and Alana, who slipped into the cabin and found a quiet room in the back.

Alana’s brow creased and her heart pulsed with an unknown distress. She followed John into an empty bedroom and was sat on the supple mattress. “What’s wrong, John? Why are you making that face?”

John took a seat beside her and held her hands. “Alana, you must listen carefully, you already knew I’d take you to Rawlings, but, you can’t be with us anymore.”

“What are you talking about? I thought you just wanted Rawlings to protect my identity, not send me away.”

“Yes, yes, I know I said that. But I meant more,” John paused and tilted his head away to hide the tears. “The Russians and the Americans will do anything to find this formula. They’ll do anything. I don’t want you to be in the way when, I suppose, war happens.” He placed a hand on her cheek and stroked it gently. “I don’t want you get to hurt.”

“I know you don’t,” Alana whimpered, pressing against his hand. “And I know what I must do to stay hidden.” She lifted her head and the idea pressed heavily on her mind. “I am to erase everything I am. Change my entire person.” Her eyes slowly made contact with John’s. “You don’t want to see me again because you’re afraid they’ll kill me, right?”

SHERLOCK I, II, III & IV • #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now