Lucifer's Queen/Mate

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Kim Taehyung inherited a rare gift from his mother: a set of senses that blended human and mythical traits. He was a remarkable hybrid of two species that only existed in human fantasies. However, he also carried the full genetic legacy of his mother, who was a pureblood alpha.

Taehyung was a pure-blooded Alpha, thanks to his rare lineage that prevented his father's genes from overpowering his mother's. He was the youngest and third son, and he inherited all the qualities of his mother. This had its advantages and disadvantages.

As bullets whizzed by and blood-spattered, Taehyung caught a whiff of something odd. It was neither an Omega, a Beta, nor a werewolf. It was a human whose aroma entranced him amid the fray. His primal instinct drew him to this human source, sensing it was the smell of a destined mate.

Amidst the peril and chaos, Taehyung's sharpened senses focused on the unique scent of a human in turmoil. His Alpha's urgent call rang in his mind like a primal command. "Protect her. Save her." He felt an inexplicable connection to the human girl, even though it made no sense. How could she be their mate? It was beyond logic and reason. But when he met her gaze, he knew there was a bond that crossed the barriers between species.

He resolved to protect her at all costs, casting aside any doubts or fears. Her safety was his only priority now. He ran fast, dodging the threats that surrounded them, and covered her with his body as he led her to a safe place.

Y/N was busy cooking when she heard faint footsteps coming closer. She quickly sensed someone trying to grab the soup and reacted by blocking the hand and facing the person. She looked at the intruder with a blend of shock and wariness."What are you doing?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension.

Taehyung replied with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Oh, I just wanted to taste the stew. What made you stab the nail?"

Y/N felt a twinge of embarrassment and sighed. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else. I forgot I'm at home."

The word "home" meant a lot to both of them. It was like Taehyung's presence made her feel safe and comfortable, something Y/N valued deeply. Taehyung whispered his thoughts, echoing her feelings and confirming their special bond.

"She calls us home; we're her comfort zone. You did well, Tae," he said softly.

"You entered survival mode because you believed I was a predator. What's the matter?" Taehyung touched his cheeks gently as he spoke, his concern evident.

Y/N paused briefly before answering, sounding reluctant. "It's nothing you need to worry about, Mr. Kim."

Taehyung smiled and shook his head, his lips curling into a teasing grin. "I'm Tae, and I'm your husband, Y/N. Share with me what happened so I can help."

Y/N felt a smile tug at her lips, a warm feeling filling her as he reminded her of their relationship. "Don't you want some food?" she asked, skillfully changing the topic. "You must be craving a home-cooked meal. I've learned how to make Budae Jjigae from Mom, just as you love it. Come on, let's eat. We can call eomma and Appa after I make Bulgogi."

Taehyung nodded and grinned, following her to the kitchen. The moment's tension faded as they slipped into the familiar rhythm of their shared lives.

Y/N felt a surge of warmth and belonging as laughter and chatter filled the room. She enjoyed every moment at the dinner table with Tae's parents, grateful for the chance to experience the joy of family.

Y/N enjoyed hearing Tae's parents recount tales of his childhood. They told her about the trouble he caused and the fun they had together as a family. She paid close attention, feeling her love for him and his family grow stronger.

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