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As Y/n and Tae's mother walked towards the parking lot, the sudden eruption of countless gunshots echoed through the air, startling Y/n. Her instincts kicked in immediately, a result of her personal experience and her certificates in shooting that proved her expertise with firearms.

Without hesitation, Y/n sensed the danger and knew she had to protect Tae's mother. She quickly moved closer to her, instinctively putting herself between her mother and the potential threat. Her heart raced as she scanned the area for the source of the gunshots, trying to assess the situation and ensure their safety.

The bullets whizzed past them, a terrifying reminder of the danger they were facing. Y/n's main focus was to shield her mother from harm, using her own body as a barrier. She urged her mother to stay low and find cover while they sought safety, their adrenaline pumping as they navigated the chaotic and dangerous situation unfolding around them.
Tae, having just wrapped up his crucial meeting and with a plan to surprise Y/n and her mother, was about to continue walking toward the parking lot with one of his fellow mafia officials. However, the sudden eruption of gunshots halted him in his tracks. His years of experience in the criminal underworld had trained him to recognize danger instinctively, and he knew that these shots were aimed at someone specific.

His heart raced as he realized that Y/n and his mother were in danger. Without a second thought, he abandoned any concern for his own safety and rushed towards the parking lot, determined to protect them at all costs. 

Tae's reputation as Lord Kim struck fear into the hearts of those who knew him, and his presence alone was often enough to make criminals think twice. As the attackers caught sight of Lord Kim approaching, they were filled with terror. They understood the consequences of confronting the king of the criminal world, and their fear overwhelmed their original intentions. With haste, they retreated their desire to harm Y/n's mother overridden by their fear of Lord Kim. They hurriedly made their escape, hoping to avoid any further confrontation with the formidable figure who had just entered the scene.

However, Tae's guards killed everyone but kept one among them hostage to capture the mastermind.

Y/n is nearly unconscious from continuous bleeding when his guards locate him. The bullet tore her as her mother was too terrified to move. Y/n understood the time the bullet might hit but,  due to her she had to take the bullet.

Please keep your eyes open for me, Y/n, keep looking at me. Tae was calling her continuously while giving light taps on her cheeks.

She opens her eyes after hearing Tae's voice, 

"T..chuckled..Tae, she chuckled. Even though you were at the workplace, let me tell you something. I might be dreaming before I pass away". Y/n uttered those words in a throbbing, exhausted voice, a drowsy, exhausted, and terrified state.

Keep quiet; speaking will only increase trequesture. Tae requests her.

Let me just state, "I just want to sleep." Shhhh...

You have had my undying love for more than 5 years. I didn't stay silent... Didn't actually...not even after being married. Y/N passed out shortly after she finished speaking, so he took him to the hospital in his car. After she was properly admitted to the hospital Tae sat in the waiting area in front of the ICU in pin-drop silence. No one dared to breathe heavily as they knew that their head would burst any second.

Tae arrived and sat at the hospital's area for ten minutes. After that, he ordered his guards to send Mother home, but she continued, nevertheless, by adding, "Ever since she heard the gunfire, she was all over me to protect me from a direct gunshot. The guard was wounded by two rounds in quick succession, each striking him in a different region of the body, and she fell to the ground in front of our car. Tell them to save my daughter, if you would."

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