aches and pains

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When Tae arrived at the hospital, the nurse was administering a painkiller injection to Y/n to keep her stable during the ride. Although she had made a recovery, the injury still caused her occasional pain. Therefore, it was crucial to have painkiller medication or injections on hand for her.

"Y/n, is your packing done?" Tae inquired.

"No, Hailmoni is still packing," Y/n replied.

Hailmoni was the elderly lady whom Tae's father had hired when Tae was just 10 years old. Tae had never referred to her by her first name; he had always called her "Hailmoni," and Y/n followed suit. She had been a constant presence by Y/n's side throughout her recovery process.

However, they stayed in separate cabins. This was because, after Tae had firmly planted his roots beside Y/n, he refused to move away from her side. The only times he left the room were when Hailmoni or the nurse came to give Y/n a sponge bath. Even during those moments, he wore a pouty expression in front of the late 60's woman. She would burst into hearty laughter and playfully push him out of the room while lightly punching his back or arms.

"Oh, Hailmoni is packing? 

Yes... Who else would pack beside her?"

"Okay, be ready for... We need to go home. You'll be discharged, and I'm going to prepare your discharge form."

"Okay, sit... And yes, I almost forgot. Mom... mom... Eomma left for Queenstown tomorrow... yet... yesterday. 

Yes, she felt so guilty leaving you, but she has a threat on her, and you got shot while saving her. So... okay, I'm going. Change your dress and wear the hoodie you stole from my shopping bag. Okay?" Y/n found that Tae found it difficult to talk about her mom again. Listening intently, she moved around and gazed at his face for a decent amount of time.

Tae suddenly dragged Y/n to his embrace and kept his nose in the crook of her neck to just get her smell to just calm down for a long 10min. Y/n didn't say anything just felt her hospital gown getting wet gradually, silently.

Y/n took Tae to his bed which is near the window.
Constantly trying to see his face, Tae refuses to let her see his crying state. She lay down on his bed and took Tae with her.

It's okay to feel betrayed, no one in your life keeps their promises. You know that but it felt bad cause it came from her. Don't punish her that much, you'll eventually feel the pain. Even if she's not your real mother, she still took care of for you more than 20 years. A mother doesn't deserve to be punished by her son. Then Tae looks at Y/n with a questionable teary look.

Appa told me about the actual Mrs. Kim Yuna. But eomma, She always talks about you. How cute you were and how deadly you became. She always said that you're pure blood. I never ask what that means, at that time I don't want to know what you are. Cause in my mind I'm in love with that one person who can never be replaced. I don't know what happened but Appa called me today to ask me about Eomma. Then I understand your displeasure.

Do you want to know the pure blood thing now?

No...I have no place to force you. If you feel comfortable someday to tell me then do it, otherwise I don't want to. It doesn't matter who you are, my love for you never changes a bit. She loves the cruel part of you. She often told me that my son can't tolerate weakness, and never mercy on anyone who betrays him.

That's so true Y/n. Tae said.

Will they??? will they, Y/n fumbled.

What?? Killed her?? The ball went to the court of authorities. They will handle the punishment of putting a bounty on a Queen for 5years and try to kill her at the end. Tae replied coldly while still embracing her.

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