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Tae's alpha felt a powerful and natural desire to hug and shield his mate as if she were a precious pup. He wanted to snuggle with her, rub his nose against her, mark her with his scent, and breathe in her imaginary fragrance. But beyond this instinctive drive, he also experienced a mix of gentleness and protectiveness in his heart.

He laid her down on the bed carefully, still holding her hand in his jacket. She felt a warm embrace around her trembling body, soothing her pain and giving her refuge. The touch was tender and firm, a saving grace for a sinking soul. He stayed with her like that, lying next to her eventually. His hand stroked her hair, murmuring that he was there and he wouldn't go away.

When Tae's mother realized that lunchtime had arrived, she ventured into their room, only to discover them both in deep slumber. A soft smile graced her lips as she gently stroked their hair, tucked them under a duvet, and dimmed the table lamp. Hours later, Y/N stirred awake, feeling the stronghold around her or embracing her. She met the gaze of the hand's owner without flinching.

"Why should I be alright when you sigh against my chest with that expression?" The man spoke with his eyes closed. Y/N recognized the unshakable demeanor of this man. He was referred to as the Mafia Lord for a reason. He held her firmly as she tried to get up.

"Where are you going?" Tae asked.

"You haven't eaten anything since this morning. Let's get some food."

"But I have a question first," Tae insisted.

"What is it?"

"How much do you love me?" Tae blurted out.

Taken aback, Y/N chuckled at his question and replied, "For over five years, and even beyond that—specifically, five years, eight months, and eighteen days—I've pondered the depth of my devotion to the man who has held my heart all this while. Throughout these years, I've faced numerous experiences and significant challenges. Yet, I've chosen to embrace my fate and avoid dwelling on harmful thoughts. I desired to present myself as a mature and resilient individual. A version of me unburdened by emotional or mental weights, ready to face any adversity that comes alongside you. Through this journey, I aimed to shield you from my vulnerabilities, not revealing the fractured parts of me.

"So, to answer your question about love... It's difficult to quantify. All I know is that since that day, no other face has lingered in my memory. When I look at anyone else, I don't feel the urge to pull a trigger, to take a life, or to risk my own."Tae's restraint finally crumbled; he realized he should have said it outright from the very beginning. But doubt about the depth of his feelings held him back from sharing his true emotions through a kiss. Nonetheless, he held Y/n tightly, confessing,

"If only you knew how your words have affected me. Perhaps you'd abandon me, or maybe you'd blush with embarrassment. Either way, you're exacerbating my state. I won't deny what you said; I've been holding back too long. You've exposed the truth, and I can't ignore it any longer."

"Before demonstrating how ferociously I'm dying to express my love, I want to worship your full self and leave my imprint on every part of you. I also want to feel your warmth by squeezing my skin against yours. Drag you to the edge of your sanity again and again and make you numb so that only my name can be the only thing you can remember to scream at. But I'll do it when I fall head over heels in love with you. I won't give a damn about the conditions; I'll yank you away and insist that you'll follow my lead. I don't know anything about wild and mild physical touches. It will be my way, cause it's always my preferred form of communication while showing deep desire or love. Just know that I won't respond to any of your statements on that particular day when I want to tell you how much I love you. Tae was saying all that while breathing near Y/N's neck.

Love, Precisely || Alpha-Mafia AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن