Love You

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Even though Tae fully ordered them to kill Ms. Min people of dungeon  still feel skeptical and wait for alpha's third and last order. The third order can't be replaceable.

Tae descended into the dungeon, the weight of his meeting with Jimin bearing heavily on his thoughts. The idea of that woman, who had been his steadfast support for nearly two decades, changing troubled him deeply. There was another pressing reason, a burden that laid heavily on his mind.

"Why did you do this to me? I'm your mother," she implored, her voice laden with concern.

"You can't confine me like this, especially as I'm the lead omega of your mom's pack. Any harm to me could incite a war," she disclosed, shedding light on one of the reasons why Tae refrained from harming her and her pack.

"Pathetic, isn't it? WAR against me is the last thing they'll ever do," he chuckled. "You know it's futile to wage a war against me."

But she scoffed, asserting, "A mere human can't be anyone's strength. She will always be your weakness, and you can't risk her in a battle, just as your mother risked her life to keep you safe. She's not weak enough to win a battle against us. Even her sacrifice wouldn't be worth a penny."

Tae's emotions were tumultuous, and he growled in response. "She's my strength, Ms. Min. I would risk my life and everything I have just to win a battle and return to her embrace over and over again."

"My empire is dedicated to her protection. I don't need to risk her," Tae countered, grappling to contain his anger. "I wonder if she knows how little you think of her, the girl who saved and cared for you like a daughter. Either way, she won't find out because I won't allow it."

"But what if she discovers that you're a wolf, a pure-blooded alpha? Will she still stand by your side? These humans are useless, incapable of handling an alpha's nature. She'll be frightened and leave you when she learns the truth," she pondered.

Tae retorted, "Then I'll keep you alive until the day she bears our pups, and I'll convey the news to you when you're unable to bear the pain. Your pack killed my eomma to maintain their pride, a fact I can't forget. But she was blessed by the moon goddess for choosing love over hatred."

He continued, "My father may think I've forgotten due to trauma, but I haven't. You were there but did nothing. I knew from the very first day, but I didn't want my father or wife to suffer because of my pain. My day-to-day stress and nightmares turned into insomnia, and that will be my revenge. If anyone asks for an explanation, I'll TELL them why they orphaned me at the age of eight."

Goodbye, Mum.

Exiting the cold underground chamber, Tae's heart weighed heavy with uncertainty. The words of his mother and Jimin had left him profoundly insecure about his identity.
What if she rejected him upon discovering his true nature as a pure-blooded wolf? What if she couldn't handle his instincts? These once unfamiliar questions now flooded his mind like an unyielding storm.

Upon recovering Tae bacame busy with his unattended works and Yn starts to control her position with a iron grip as she has a business background it became easy for her.

After completing the last signing deal before the year end all emploees took a long weekend plus holiday but the file that has to be signed before submitting is on Y/n so she has to attend office to just sign and keep the paperworks seperate.

When she completed her last signature just then without hesitation, Tae hastened to Y/n's office, where she was bidding farewell to her clients. Taking her wrist, he guided her to the elevator.

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