Chapter 5 - Roman

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Christopher Allister is a professor at Lexington University. Or he was one. He's unable to be one now.

Christopher seems to have something over my angel. I have an idea of what it is but I don't want to assume so quickly. Assuming isn't always the best thing to do. But I were to, I would assume Laurel had gotten caught stealing things from his office and blamed it on Talia. I remember Laurel leaving that night after Talia told her to get things. She didn't come back but I was fine that night, all I needed was Talias hands on me.

What does bother me is how my angel is being blackmailed and feels like she has no choice. She's obviously trapped into something she doesn't want, but I'll fix that. I was right about Christopher, he isn't a good man. I've been following him since the cafe, and I've seen the way he looks at students. It's clear he's interested in more than teaching, specifically Talia.

I saw Talia getting out of his car when he dropped her off. I'm not sure what was said in the car, but she seemed eager to leave.  She knows how he is, she has to be aware. She has to know what he wants from her.

I followed her discreetly as she walked to her dorm, making sure she couldn't see me. I had a guy of mine hack into the school system to find her room. Ever since Laurel dropped out, she's been alone, and that's risky. There are bad people out there in the world. I would be a hypocrite to consider myself not one of them though. But unlike that professor, I have good intentions.

I walked back to my car and leave, it was time to spend money on my angel. She's attending a gathering hosted by one of Christopher's friends, who knows influential people in the city. This party was easy to get into. She may be with another man, but I'll be able to keep a closer eye on her.

The only issue is the plus-one requirement. I'm not sure why it's necessary, but it is. I need to bring someone as a distraction.

Finally, I find a dress that would make my angel look absolutely stunning. And some pearls to complement the dress perfectly. If she wears them tomorrow, she'll be breathtaking. But honestly, she would look stunning no matter what.
I return to her campus, and make my way to her dorm room. I was able to get an ID that allows me to scan in whenever I want to visit her. She wouldn't know about my visits yet, but she would soon. All alone in her room, she might get lonely at night. I could fix that, all night long.

I knock at her door 3 times and leave the gift there, along with a note. It doesn't say who it's from and she'll most likely assume it from Christopher but that's fine. I know she's on a scholarship and has trouble affording certain things, and I wanted to help her out. When I make her mine, she'll never have an problems when it comes to something so little as money.

I leave after I drop it after I leave it there. I would stay longer and admire her from her window but I have some calls to make. I have a job to do in a few days, nothing big really.

Apparently my boss got into some trouble again and he needs a specific news reporter to stop snooping around the case. That'll be some pretty easy shit but I also have to deal with Gabriel Morales, the judge. The judge has morals; he believes in what right and legal, which is not good when it comes to accepting bribes. So that means I'm assigned to take care of him as well.

My boss, Marcus Scott, has been getting more heat from the cops ever since there's been the new chief. The new chief has been complaining about the amount of pay he's getting to keep quiet. He started getting greedy, which isn't good for business. I have a few weeks to plan how to end his life.

Ever since the incident, I've had to be more careful and cautious. That night, the unexpected happened. I never planned on my target hiring someone of his own to take my life instead of me taking his. I had some things to work through that same week and didn't plan out the assassination well.

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