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Chapter 1

"Come on, Lei. I will be just fine~" Scarlet whined through her phone when her girl best friend called her thinking about how she can handle herself in a big city without anyone by her side. "I am not some small bean anymore. I can handle some goons pretty well."

"Are you sure about that?" Lei asked from the other line, still hesitant about her friend, from the fact she knew she's more hard-headed than a bull.

"How many times do I have to answer that, Lei?" Scarlet sighed and looked at her surroundings illuminated by the street lights, "I have to do it alone, okay. You've already helped so many times, I don't want to be a burden to you anymore." Scarlet spoke so gently as she kicked some dirt on the road.

"You're not a burden, Scar, you will never be. But if that's what you wish then go ahead, I will support you. But remember this! Don't you dare hesitate to call me if you need something!" Lei shouted, she knew Scarlet wouldn't ask for help or even a drop of penny from her even though her life is on the line.

"Okay, okay, I got it!"

"Okay! Love you too! Take care!"

"Love you too, bye." Scarlet hangs the phone and puts it in her jean's pocket as she inhales through her nose, filling her lungs with a cold breeze, "What a lovely night before I start tomorrow." She sighed looking at the stars while the gentle draft kissed her face. However, the peace was interrupted when she heard a series of sirens from the ambulance and firetruck passing by the park where she's currently at, but she only looked at it with curiosity.

She remained sitting on the bench at the park, while humming a lullaby to herself, completely letting go of her worries as she watched the blinking starlight above. This is her first night in a big city where she wanted to apply for a job, after she graduated she chose to leave her hometown and find her fortune there. Although her mother was against her idea, she soon let her be, because her father convinced her that someday the chicks will have to leave the nest.

"It's getting late, I should get back to my apartment." She yawned and decided to go back, since the park is near her apartment she just takes a walk, but as she nears her apartment she can't help but feel like there's something wrong, because the more she's getting closer the louder the sirens are.

"Please, don't tell me-" she cut her own thoughts when all of a sudden, she saw her apartment building burning. "What the hell?!" she internally screamed and had the urge to go in and get her belongings. However, policemen, and firemen obstruct the entrance so no one will be able to go in as they distinguish the fire while other emergencies tend the victims.

"Ma'am, please step aside." A policeman stopped her. "Just let the firefighters handle this."

"What happened here?" she hastily asked.

"It has been said that there's a leak of gas inside that results this massive fire, luckily, no one was hurt and we managed to arrive before the fire consumed the neighboring building." The policemen simply explained.

"But... but what about our belongings?" she asked, hoping he will say that she can still retrieve some.

"I'm sorry, ma'am but with this range of fire, I highly doubt that there will be anything left inside."

"You've got to be kidding me!"

In the end Scarlet ended up accepting the fact that she just lost her apartment and all her belongings aside from what she wears and her phone in her pocket, "What should I do?" she murmured with tears brimming in her eyes, "Should I call Lei? She said that I shouldn't hesitate to call her when I need something, right?" She talks to herself. "But I just said a few minutes ago that I can handle myself!" she growled.

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