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Chapter 3

"I'll be home later tonight!" Aries shouted from the door but before he could leave, Scarlet shouted a small 'take care'. Sending him a huge blush as the thought that they were a couple, "T-thank you!" He muttered before going out.

He then went out leaving Scarlet all alone in his huge condo, "What should I do now? I don't have any clothes or anything with me, my phone is dead." She slumped on the carpeted floor of the living area. "He let me stay here so I should go and at least give him something. I can't cook though, so..." she immediately shoot up with a bright idea in her head, "I at least know how to clean."

She then gathered all the cleaning materials and began to clean from the bathroom to every part of the house, she can't help but really gawk at the sight of each space, "Everything looks extravagant."

She's getting close to being done but the only thing she hasn't cleaned is Aries's room, "Well, I'm sure his bedroom is clean and just needs a few sweeps here and there." She proceeded to go and check it out only to reveal a neat room.

"As expected." She sighed and decided to leave, but then she noticed a small box peeking from under his bed. This made her curious so she decided to go and pull it out, the box was opened and it contained some sort of chains, collar, and ropes, "Huh? What are these? I never thought that he liked dogs."

She then went to browse the other content and the more she saw the content the more she grew curious, "What's this egg with a tail, and these beads?"

Her train of confused thoughts were interrupted when she heard the doorbell rang, she put the box under his bed again and went to answer the door. She opened it only to find a man with mean-looking eyes. Both of them only stared at one another until the man spoke, "What are you doing here, slut?"

"Slut?! Who do you think you are to call someone you just met a slut?!" Scarlet yelled on his face.

"Shut your mouth woman. As far as I know Ris doesn't have a maid, a girlfriend, or a pet here, that only leaves- you're a burglar!" The mean looking guy screeched back, he then went to grab her wrist and tried to pin her on the ground. "What did you take, huh?! give it back!"

"I didn't take anything you uncultured swine!" she shrieked and threw him over her shoulder with a loud thud, she then went to sit on his lower back and pulled his head from behind. "Aries doesn't have a friend you pig! so between the two of us you're the thief!"

"It hurts! ouch! Let go of my beautiful hair, I'm going to get bald!"

"This is for calling me slut, you wanker!"

Their quarrel was interrupted when the heaving Aries arrived, witnessing how Scarlet wrestled the man, "Brick! Scarlet!" he hollered and went to pull Scarlet from the man named Brick. "Brick, what are you doing to her?" he asked with his arms wrapped around Scarlet. "What are you even doing here?"

"What the hell? She's the one hurting me! didn't you see? that beast is pummeling me!" Brick said, patting his head, "she almost pulled my soul out of my body!"

"Huh? what?" Aries was confused, "Why don't we have a seat for a moment." After a while of explaining both the two rowdies began to realize that none of them were burglars. And Brick finally learned why she's ended up living here.

"Well, I don't care even a bit about her." Brick shrugged his shoulder, earning a grunt from Scarlet. "You're the one I need to talk with, Ris."

"What is it?"

"Your dad wants you back. And he sent me to find you."

Aries could only sigh, "I don't want to come back, I'm sure you already know why."

"Yeah, but... sooner or later you are bound to come back, young master." The latter part of his statement makes Scarlet spit her the juice she's drinking. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Brick raises his brow.

"Young master? who in this world still calls-" her laughter died down when she saw how they looked at her.

"This dumbass doesn't know who you are, aren't you?" Brick asked.

"Who are you calling dumbass, you brick-face?"

"How can you let this beast get in your house?"

"Both of you please stop-"

"Didn't you know that young master is a master for a reason?!" Brick hollered to her face.

"Well, I know he's rich but I know he's not that rich to be called a young master!" she roared back.

"Oho! so you really don't know anything!" Brick stood up and exclaimed, "Look at the brand of your phone, Hawthorne, the brand of that TV, every appliance in this house and even that goddamned airport is his!"

Scarlet was astounded, "I... I didn't... know." Her head stiffly looked at him. Aries on the other hand, let out an apologetic smile. "You're big time..."

"Not exactly." Aries spoke.

"What do you mean 'not exactly'?!" Brick slammed his hand over the coffee table in the middle of them, "Ris, you owned this condo, for pete's sake. How can you be so humble." He groaned.

"You owned this condo?" Scarlet felt her sweat cascading on the side of her face, "I thought, just a penthouse?"

"I didn't mean to lie, Scarlet. I swear." Aries slightly panics when he sees her silent treatment.

"Of course, you didn't, she's just dumb to take all of this." Brick spoke nonchalantly. "By the way, I heard that Philautia is coming back."

"Philaut- what?!" Aries stood up, panic is evident on his face.

"Yeah, that's why I immediately went here. That's why I am telling you, you better find the right one for you or she will find it for you."

"But..." Brick can tell by his friend's reaction that he has a heavy heart.

"Ris, why can't you just let go of that woman? you met her during those college days and until now, you're still in love with her?" Brick suddenly spat out, earning a shocked countenance from Aries.

'What the hell?!' Aries mouthed to him, 'Don't talk about those now!' He then went to look at Scarlet thinking that she finally caught on to his hidden feelings.

But the girl on the other hand is just mumbling incoherent things, along the lines of, "So, I'm just speck of dust compared to a god like him..."

"Scar...let?" Brick darted his eyes from his friend and on to the woman on the couch and back at him before finally realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

"What the- Aries for real of all people that dumb-" Aries slammed his hands over his mouth and shushed him.

"Please! she doesn't know... yet!" he whispered-yelled.

Brick swat away his hands from his face and retorted back, "I have nothing against that...beast. But I assure you Philautia will not recognize her as your girlfriend, not even a servant!"

Aries slumped back on his couch with a defeated expression, "I know, she doesn't even like me that way."

Brick straightens up and sighs, "Okay, I'll just tell your dad I haven't found you yet. And in the meantime, do something about this..." he said as he twirls his finger in the air, an indication of their current situation before he turns back and beads his goodbye, "I'll be off."

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