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"Yes, ma'am... that would be 4300 pesos only. Thank you." Bricks murmured to the customer for he can't believe that his business that is about to go down is alive and kicking, filled with people who are enjoying the meals.

"Brick-face! move we have a lot more to do!" Scarlet whispered-yelled at him while she carried trays of orders. The whole day was filled with people coming in and out, making the two become exhausted to the point that they can't even stand.

"You guys did well, you managed to save this coffee shop." A man in a trench coat with his head and face covered with hat and facemask said. "Why don't you close it earlier than usual so you could take a break?"

"You're right..." Scarlet sighed, a few seconds passed until she suddenly lunged forward, tackling the man in a trench coat "Brick-face! call the police!"

"On it!"


"You thief!" Scarlet pinned the man on the ground, the same way she pinned Bricks before, "Do you think you can barge in and steal from us?! show us your face, thief!" she then yanked the hat and mask he's wearing only to reveal the most innocent face she ever witnessed, "Aries?!"

"H-hi..." he mumbled.

"What's with that look?" she asked.

"Uhm..." before Aries could explain, they heard a furious shout.

"Oh my god, you beasty! get off of him! that's Aries!" he yelled.

Aries earned a gash on chin from when Scarlet attacked her, and right now Bricks is dissing her while she treats his small wound, "What do you think you're going to do if you destroyed his face?"

"I told you I was sorry!" she growled back.

"Both of you guys should stop," Aries could only sigh.

"We have to protect the face of this coffee shop, you know, he's a big asset to us." He said nonchalantly as he tapped his phone. "Just look, we received another batch of orders. I can tell they're only ordering because of him."

"What do you mean because of him? I am the one who concocted those recipes." She pouted.

"Idiot, modeling and advertising play a vital role." Bricks pushed his phone on her face, resulting for her to see what he was talking about.

Scarlet subconsciously grinds the cotton ball on Aries' wound making him hissed in pain, while her eyes remain fixated on the screen showing the fauxbook page of their business, "Wow, Aries, you look like a model!" she proclaimed as she examined his picture wearing the coffee shop's uniform making his chest look brimming and holding a tray of their famous delicacy with the same innocent and cute smile he has and the mole under the right side of his lips makes him more virile in her eyes.

"He's a model, beasty. Look at that magazine, he's in the 2016 top 17 most handsome men in asia."

"What?!" Scarlet then went to search it in her phone only to reveal the image of him. "Woah, you really are. Wait, 2016? we were still in college at that time, how come I don't know?"

"That's my question too, how come you don't know anything about him, he was your classmate." Bricks muttered without even batting an eye on her.

Aries only let out a small chortle, "Well... it's not like I want to hide it or anything."

They were in the middle of conversion when the doorbell of the coffee shop rang, indicating that someone had just come in, Scarlet was about to shout it's close but she was immediately shut by Brick who covered her mouth.

"I see, so, this is the shop that's slowly getting famous in this place." A woman with a voluptuous body wearing very formal attire said. "Not bad, but still looks cheap." She grimaced as she scanned the shop.

Bricks narrowed his eyes and Scarlet was about to say something when he whispered, "Shut it or else we're done." She immediately shut up.

Aries stood up and held a very sharp look, "What do you want?"

"Ah! my beloved nephew! My Aries, where have you been? Your parents are so worried about you. And so, was I" The woman exclaimed and her excited countenance suddenly turned disgusted, "What are you doing at this filthy place? "

The rest of them, aside from the woman who called their place filthy, narrowed their eyes. But their reaction was ignored by the woman, "You are not in your property to speak like that, Philautia." Aries growled.

"What do these dogs teach you? My nephew will never speak to me like that!" Philautia gasps, "Come with me, we are getting out of here and this place will be shut down!"

"No, you'll go alone and this place will remain as it is."

Scarlet has never thought that she will someday see Aries will react this way, because he was all cool when she literally destroyed his condo. But now, he's like the total opposite of the Aries she knew. Philautia's eyes suddenly darted to Scarlet's.

"I see, so a bitch is already staining you." She growled, Aries went to look from his shoulder and saw that she's referring to Scarlet a bitch. "I can find a better dog for you, Aries. Anyway, that's none of my business because I know my daughter is perfect for you. She's the most perfect woman and the only one who can match for you."

Her latter statement causes Aries' to clenched his jaw, "Are you out of your mind? Quit thinking that I will marry my cousin! For... for... uhm's sake get in your head!"

"Then who do you think is the best one for you? That bitch?" Philautia scowls at the sight of Scarlet. "I know you will never like a lowly person."

"She's not a bitch..." Aries growled that only the two of them could hear.

Scarlet's patience on the other hand finally snapped, she immediately stood up letting the chair behind her fall. But Bricks grabbed her shoulder in an attempt to stop her but she only shrugged his hands. She stormed towards the woman with her hands in a tight fist, ready to pummel some senses. "Who the hell is this old woman to call someone a bitch?!"

"Scarlet!" Bricks called out her name but she's too focused on her own goal, she even pat Aries' shoulder signaling him to step aside. But her hand was immediately captured by Aries pulling her closely against him before leaning down and slamming his lips against her. Scarlet wasn't able to move a muscle because she's too stunned to even react and the only thing she can feel as of now is how Aries moves his warm lips against hers.

After the kiss they have shared, Aries pulls away only to reveal the hot mess and bothered Scarlet making him groan from satisfaction, this causes him to lean down once again to lick the saliva that trickles down from her lower lip before saying, "...She's my fiancée."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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