The Date

950 31 2

Stiles' POV

I literally couldn't stop thinking about Lydia throughout the whole day. I can't help but feel so relieved that she actually wants to go out with me.  All anxiety of her  feelings towards me is be gone.

The only thing I'm not so thrilled about is that she feels the same way about my brother. I just want her all to myself. But, don't get me wrong I feel semi-happy for Stuart considering the girl that he was interested in is also interested in him too. Same goes for me doesn't it?

I think I already decided where I am going to take Lydia out on our date. It will probably be a dinner and a movie. I hope she does like it, since this will be our first date together. I just want it to be perfect.

It kinda shocked that Lydia was so blunt with her feeling towards us and acted so natural with all of that courage of actually confronting someone that you liked them.

Don't get me wrong I'm extremely happy she did, it's just she never fails to amaze me. Maybe that's one of the reason's why I'm so attracted and intrigued by that strawberry blonde.


School passed by in a blur,not that I was really paying attention. The date with Lydia really has been in my mind the whole time. I wonder if she was thinking about it too?

Eh,  whatever. I should probably start getting ready and make myself look nice and more presentable towards Lydia. I stripped off my clothes once I got into my bedroom and started looking for an appropriate outfit. I chose to have a white t-shirt,grey denim jeans,and a black leather jacket all paired with my regular black vans.

I combed my hair really quickly and I got onto my phone while plopping down onto my bed.

I scrolled through the contacts to find Lydia's name.

I decided to text her....

Stiles: Hey Lydia.
What time do you want our date to be today?

Lydia: Hi, um...will 6 o'clock be okay?

Stiles: Perfect, I'll pick you up at your house. What's your address again?

Lydia: I'll send you it later. I gtg and do my homework. See you soon. xoxo

Stiles: Same, see you soon. :)

I couldn't help but smile to myself after reading her text message,I mean she did sign it with xoxo. Kisses and hugs.

I guess I should start working on my homework too since I have a couple of hours until the date starts.


It's about 5:45 and I decide to head towards my car to start heading towards Lydia house. I don't want to be late for our date.

I got there at precisely 6 o'clock just like she said. I got out of my baby blue jeep and went up to her door. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer the door.

She opened the door and I saw what she was wearing. Her hair was flowing freely down her sides, being in the natural waves they are always in. She was wearing a gray denim jacket, a dark pink floral dress, and black spiked combat boots.

"You look amazing. I mean that you do look amazing all the time—it's just wow, I'll shut up now," I said while mentally scolding myself for being so awkward and weird.

Love Triangle-Stydia AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz